Garage Application Policy
3 Criteria for allocating garages
3.1 The following criteria, in their respective priority order, will be applied when letting garages:
a. Garages will be let to Council tenants, leaseholders and private residents who are aged 18 and over.
b. The applicant or a member of their household will be a car owner, has a valid driving licence, valid insurance and MOT.
c. No more than one garage per household will usually be allocated, unless there is a lack of demand for rented garages in the particular area.
d. Garages will generally be let to people, in the area that they live and on the basis of the length of time they have been on the Garage Waiting List for the area of their choice, i.e. in the order of the date of their registration on the Waiting List.
e. The Council reserves the right to let garages to people who don't live within the vicinity of the area where there is low demand or there are other relevant circumstances.
f. The Council may take into account relevant factors when allocating garages, such as the disability of a permanent member of a resident's household.
g. The person who has entered into the tenancy agreement with the Council will be responsible for paying the rent, even if they are not the car-owner.
h. Anyone who owes the Council any debt, including Council Tax and rent arrears, will not be eligible for renting a garage until the arrears are cleared. In exceptional circumstances, where the individual is keeping to the terms agreed to clear the arrears, may be offered a garage, at the Council's discretion.
i. Anyone with a history of persistent debt may be ineligible for renting a garage.
j. Anyone who has been found to have damaged Council property or been found to have perpetrated serious anti-social behaviour will not normally be offered a garage without evidence of change of behaviour.
k. Anyone who has been found to have used a garage for criminal, immoral or illegal purposes, will be not be eligible for renting garages for a minimum of three years from the time of their conviction.