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Garage Application Policy

4 Tenancy obligations

4.1 The Tenant's obligations are to:

a. Pay the rent each week, in advance, by Direct Debit. Wiltshire Council does not accept cash or other forms of payment unless there are exceptional circumstances.

b. Be responsible for the contents of the garage and ensure that it is locked when not in use.

c. Be responsible for any damage done to the garage or adjoining properties, caused by the tenant, a member of their household or their visitors.

d. Use the garage for motor car, motorcycle, bicycles and transport motors storage and storage of goods.

e. Ensure that the garage is closed and secure at all times.

f. Insure the contents of the garage.

g. Notify the Council of any repairs that are required.

h. Allow the Council or its agents to inspect and complete repairs that are the Council's responsibility.

i. Provide access to the Council to carry out or inspect adjoining garages or other Council properties or land.

j. Keep all gullies, gutters, wastes and drains (if any) clean.

k. Take necessary steps to prevent the dropping of oil onto the concrete floor of the Garage or any forecourt in front of the Garage.

l. Keep the Garage in good repair.

m. Lubricate, on a regular basis, the moving parts of the Garage door.

n. Give at least one week's written notice to end the tenancy and provide the Council a forwarding address. The notice will usually expire on a Monday.

o. Pay all rent due prior to the ending of the notice period.

p. Remove all belongings by the end of the notice period.

q. Leave the garage in a neat, tidy and lettable condition. Any items left will be removed and disposed of without any obligations to the tenant. The Council will recharge the tenant any costs incurred in bringing the garage to a lettable condition.

r. Return the keys to the Council's before the expiry of the notice. If not, the Council will charge another week's rent unless the garage is let within the same month.

4.2 The tenant must not:

a. Assign or sub-let the garage to anyone else.

b. Use the garage for running a business, including the business of repairing vehicles.

c. Store any noxious or flammable material in the garage other than fuel in the tank of the vehicle.

d. Store any materials or goods that can cause a hazard to residents living or working nearby.

e. Must not leave items such as mobility scooters on charge overnight.

f. Do anything or permit others to do anything that causes or is likely to cause a nuisance, danger, annoyance or disturbance to anyone occupying, living, visiting or working in the local area or the Council.

g. Make any additions or alterations to the structure of the Garage, including fitting a water or electric supply, display or permit others to display on the garage any advertisement, notice or name plate other than the number of the Garage of a specification approved by the Council.

h. Park any motor vehicle or otherwise obstruct access to any adjoining garages or land.

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