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Garage Application Policy

6 Dealing with garage arrears

6.1 The Council will deal with garage arrears as described in a separate policy and procedures that cover a range of debt, including housing rent, garage rent, service charges and other costs.

6.2 In general, the Council will pursue garage rent arrears as soon as they arise. If warning letters are ignored or repayment agreements not kept to, we will look to terminate the tenancy and repossess the garage. We may seek to recover any outstanding monies through a county court judgement.

6.3 If we take possession of the garage, we will recharge the tenant the costs of changing the lock and securing the garage which may involve removing and disposing of any items which have been left behind.

6.4 Sometimes the writing off of unrecoverable debts is the most cost effective way of managing arrears. Any write-off of amounts recoverable from Council tenants or leaseholders will be in accordance with a separate Debt Write-Off policy.

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