Corporate Policy and Procedures Document on Accessing Communications Data
Oversight of the policy
The Senior Responsible Officer is responsible for the integrity of the process within Wiltshire Council to authorise use of Covert Human Intelligence Sources (CHIS) and compliance with;
- Part III of IPA 2016 (Authorisations for obtaining Communications Data)
- Part II of RIPA 2000 (Surveillance and Covert Human Intelligence Sources)
- Part III of the Police Act 1997 (Authorisation of Action in respect of Property)
- The Codes of Practice
The Senior Responsible Officer (SRO) is also responsible for;
- Engagement with Authorising Officers from the Office of Communications Data Authorisations (OCDA)
- Engagement with the Investigatory Powers Commissioner's Office (IPCO) and its Inspectors
- Oversight of any post-inspection action plans recommended by an Inspector, including ensuring that all Designated Senior Officers (DSOs) are of an appropriate standard
The RIPA Co-ordinating Officer (RCO) is responsible for the day-to-day oversight of applications and for the maintenance of the central record. The RCO shall report to the SRO any failings, training needs or improvements to the system.
The Cabinet Member for Resources shall be responsible for ensuring that IPA is being used consistently with this policy and that the policy remains fit for purpose. The SRO shall provide a report on Wiltshire Council's use of IPA to the Cabinet Member for Resources on a quarterly basis. A summary of this report shall be made available to all members of the Council. Annually, the report shall include a review of the effectiveness of this policy and any recommendation for changes to be made. Any significant amendments to the policy shall be referred to the Cabinet for approval.
For the avoidance of doubt the Cabinet and the Cabinet Member for Resources are not to be involved in making decisions on specific authorisations.