Event Safety Advisory Group (ESAG) Terms of Reference
Terms of Reference
The ESAG will consider all matters and operate within its terms of reference as specified in this document.
- To provide a forum within which the Local Authority and other statutory agencies may develop a co-ordinated approach to spectator/visitor safety.
- To promote reasonable standards of safety at public events*.
- To act as a point of contact on safety matters for all those who are intending to organise a public event*.
- To provide advice and guidance regarding the specific responsibilities of the organisers and the other agencies involved.
- To provide advice, where necessary, on the exercise of the powers under the Licensing Act 2003 for events and venues.
- To advise the Local Authority in circumstances where they are the enforcing authority as defined in the Health and Safety (Enforcing Authority) Regulations 1998, on enforcement of the relevant statutory provisions.
- To ensure plans are in place for emergency situations including contingency arrangements.
- To ensure any detrimental effects on the environment and road network within Wiltshire are minimised.
- To ensure damage to parks and open spaces are minimised and to insist on arrangements for clearing litter and refuse after events.
- To consider the advice published in available guidance documents.
- To provide a forum for the raising of concerns regarding safety matters.
- To receive any relevant reports in relation to matters found during inspections by ESAG members or other competent persons where appropriate.
- To review any matters raised by the group that have been reported to the Local Authority, other relevant statutory authorities, or event licence holders and thereafter to report back to the group.
- To organise a de-brief process, as required, and make recommendations where appropriate for improving safety at future events.