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Guidance for making representations

What to look out for

New licence applications, full variations, provisional statements

When an application is made for a new licence, or vary an existing licence (for example, to put on additional activities or to extend their hours - other than when applying under the minor variation process), they must advertise the application by:

Placing a notice at or on the premises:

  • on A4 or larger pale blue paper (or on white paper, in the case of an application for a minor variation)
  • placed prominently at or on the premises where it can be conveniently read from the exterior of the premises

Placing a notice in a newspaper:

  • newspaper circulation must be in the vicinity of the premises
  • advertisement within 10 working days following the application is received by the Licensing Authority

The notice must include details of the applicant, the premises address and description of what is being applied for. The notice must also include the consultation period in which a representation can be made (28 consecutive days) and contact details (Wiltshire Council).

There is a 10 working day consultation for Minor Variation applications.

Application details

The full application is available to be viewed online at New premises licence and club premises certificate applications. Please contact (opens new window) or 01249 706555 if you are unable to view.

The application will contain an Operating Schedule that will detail exactly what is being proposed in terms of licensable activities and when they are to take place. As part of the Operating Schedule the applicant will state any intended control measures considered necessary to promote the licensing objectives. These control measures will, if the application is successful, automatically be placed as conditions on the Licence. It would then be an offence not to comply with those conditions. Although applications where there are no representations will be automatically approved, the Licence will still be subject to the conditions in the Operating Schedule section of the application. 

The four licensing objectives are:

  1. The prevention of crime and disorder
  2. Public safety
  3. The prevention of public nuisance; and
  4. The protection of children from harm

When considering the steps that an applicant has volunteered to promote the licensing objectives, it is important to remember that applicants should already be adhering to legislation in other areas, and the may feel there is nothing additional they need to do to promote the licensing objectives. Some applicants may therefore simply say something like 'nothing beyond existing Health and Safety/Fire Safety etc. requirements' or if they are applying to vary a licence 'nothing beyond the steps we are currently taking, which are already conditions of the licence'.

If any person believes that granting a licence in the terms it has been applied for is likely to have an effect (whether positive or negative) on the promotion of one or more of these objectives, they can make a written representation to the Licensing Authority within the 28 consecutive day consultation period.

Licensing policy

Before making representations, interested parties may wish to look at the Council's 'statement of licensing policy' found at Licensing Act 2003 overview.

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