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Personal licence application guidance


The Licensing Act 2003 establishes a regime for the granting of Personal Licences to individuals to supply, or to authorise the supply of alcohol. The Personal Licence is separate from the licence which authorises the premises to be used for the supply of alcohol. The licensing of individuals separately from the licensing of premises permits the movement of Personal Licence Holders from one premises to another, allowing greater flexibility. It ends the current outdated regime where publicans are tied by licence to the premises where they work. The Act also provides the Police and Licensing Authorities with powers to deal with errant Personal Licence Holders.

The Personal Licence relates only to the supply of alcohol under a Premises Licence. An individual will not require a Personal Licence for the other licensable activities, the provision of regulated entertainment or late night refreshment, or for the supply of alcohol under a club premises certificate or temporary event notice (although Personal Licence Holders will be able to give 50 Temporary Event Notices each year instead of the limit of 5 for Non-Personal Licence Holders).

A Personal Licence does not authorise its holder to supply alcohol anywhere, but only from establishments with a Premises Licence authorising the supply alcohol in accordance with the Premises Licence. An individual may hold only one Personal Licence at any one time.

All Premises Licences authorising the supply of alcohol must have an identified Personal Licence Holder known as the Designated Premises Supervisor. This ensures there is always one specified individual who can be readily identified on a premise where a Premises Licence is in force. This person will usually be responsible for the day-to-day running of the premises. More than one individual at the licensed premises may hold a Personal Licence, although it is not necessary for all staff to be licensed. However, all supplies of alcohol under a Premises Licence must be made by or under the authority of a Personal Licence Holder.

The Deregulation Act 2015 removed the requirement to renew a Personal Licence after 10 years. If a Personal Licence shows an expiry date on or after 1st April 2015 then you do not need to submit a renewal application and your licence will not expire. The Personal Licence should be updated periodically with recognisable photos. The Personal Licence must always be updated with the current home address. A copy must be applied for if a licence is lost, stolen or defaced.

The cost of a licence is £37.00. Wiltshire Council does not take cash payments. Cheques should be made payable to Wiltshire Council or alternatively call 01225 770411to make payment by card.

The original applicationwith all attached documentation and the requisite fee must be sent to the following:

The Licensing Officer
Wiltshire Council
Public Protection Services and Licensing
County Hall
Bythesea Road
BA14 8JN

Alternatively email the application to (opens new window).

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