Appeals process for animal licensing ratings
How will Wiltshire Council determine the outcome of the appeal?
The appeal will be determined by the Wiltshire Council's Licensing Manager. No officer involved in the production of the rating, or in the inspection on which the rating is based will consider the appeal.
Wiltshire Council has 21 days (including weekends and bank holidays) from the date we receive the appeal to consider the appeal, within which time the authority must issue a decision to the business.
Wiltshire Council will determine the outcome of an appeal by considering the paperwork associated with the inspection and the past record of the business. In some circumstances, a further visit to the establishment may be required.
The appeal process should be transparent. The costs of any additional inspections related to the appeal will be borne by the applicant unless it results in a higher rating being awarded.
This will depend on the nature of the dispute and whether a decision can or cannot be made on the basis of the paperwork.