Council Housing Tenant Handbook
Owning your own home
Right to buy
First introduced in 1980, the Right to Buy allows most secure tenants to buy the home they rent from the council. Tenants must have at least three years tenancy with a public sector body.
Some properties are exempt from Right to Buy. These include dwellings occupied in connection with a tenant's employment, and housing specially provided for older people. Sheltered properties are exempt from Right to Buy and in most cases bungalows, if they're deemed particularly suitable for occupation by the elderly. In certain cases properties specifically designed or adapted for disabled people may also be exempt
Tenants qualifying for the Right to Buy receive a discount on the market value when buying their home based on the number of years they have been secure tenants. This discount has, however, been capped by the government. The maximum discount that will be granted in the South West region is £84,600, increased annually according to the Consumer Price Index.
If you would like more information on the Right to Buy scheme or would like to proceed with an application, please contact the housing office:
Tel: 0300 456 0117 - option 6
Email: (opens new window)
Write to us or visit us: Housing Management, Wiltshire Council, Council House, Bourne Hill, Salisbury SP1 3UZ
Are you interested in buying a home at low cost?
Low cost home ownership schemes
High property prices have meant that many people simply cannot afford to buy their own home, and have to rent instead. Shared ownership and other low cost home ownership schemes can help people on lower incomes to buy a home of their own. There are several different low cost home ownership schemes, the most popular of which is called Help to Buy shared ownership, but is more commonly known as shared ownership or part buy/part rent.
What Help to Buy Shared Ownership is
Help to Buy Shared Ownership is a form of property purchase in which you buy a share of the property from a housing association, and pay rent to the housing association on the remaining share.
Rents will be reasonably low, as you will have responsibility for the maintenance of the property.
How the scheme works
You buy an initial share in a property offered by a housing association involved in the scheme. The minimum share you can purchase may vary from one scheme to another. The minimum could be as low as 25% of the property value, but is usually 40% or 50%.
You pay an agreed rent to the housing association for the remaining share of the property. The rent is reviewed every year.
Later, if you can afford it, you can purchase further shares of the property until you own the maximum allowable share of the property. This is normally 100%, but can be restricted to 80% in rural locations. The purchase price of further shares is based on the market value of the property at the time you apply to buy the extra share. If the value of the property has gone up since you purchased your original share, the purchase price of the further share you wish to purchase will also have increased accordingly.
Who is eligible?
To be eligible for a home under the Help to Buy Shared Ownership scheme you must:
- Have a regular income to be able to pay a mortgage and rent. The household income must be less than £60,000 per annum. It is recommended that there should be a minimum household income of £18,000 per annum (if you earn less than this but have substantial savings/equity then there may be other schemes to help).
- Be a first-time buyer, unable to afford a mortgage for a property at full value on the open market (in certain circumstances applications can be accepted from a previous property owner, although priority will still be given to first-time buyers).
- Be able to access at least £2,500 to cover legal costs and other associated costs, and have a good credit history.
- Register on the council's housing list, and register with the Help to Buy Agent known as Help to Buy South. To register with Help to Buy South you need to call 0845 604 1122 to request an application pack, or you can apply online at: (opens new window). Alternatively you can visit their Facebook page at "Help to Buy South". To register on the council's housing list you will need to call 0300 456 0104 or apply online at: (opens new window)
Existing council and housing association tenants who meet all necessary criteria for a property (including having a local connection to the area), and who can raise the necessary mortgage, will take higher priority over other applicants.
How the process works
When a shared ownership property is available for sale, it will be advertised on the council's Homes4Wiltshire website and on the Help to Buy Agent's website. The Help to Buy Agent will also send marketing material to applicants who have registered for schemes in that area. All suitable applicants with relevant levels of affordability will be considered by the housing association selling the property, and the applicants will then be prioritised in line with the council's Allocations Policy.
Top priority will be given to those who have a local connection to the town or parish in which the development is situated, subject to them meeting the relevant affordability criteria. Then first priority will go to existing tenants who meet those criteria.
For further information on all types of low cost home ownership schemes, and properties currently available for sale please visit the Help to Buy South website at or call them on 0845 604 1122. Low cost home ownership may be the solution for you.
Help to Buy South
Tel: 0845 604 1122 (Customer Services)
Website: (opens new window)
Email: (opens new window)
Wiltshire Council (Homes4Wiltshire Team)
Tel: 0300 456 0104