Council Housing Tenant Handbook
Service standards
We are always looking for ways to improve our services and welcome suggestions or comments on how we can do better.
We will:
- Ensure our services are accessible to all
- Offer appointments and home visits
- Give you options for how and when you contact us
- Treat you with dignity and respect
- Use language that is easy to understand
- Be open and honest
- Maintain customer confidentiality
- Listen to your views
- Provide an interpretation service if English is not your first language
When you contact or visit us we aim to:
- Answer telephone calls within 20 seconds
- See you within five minutes of arrival
- Acknowledge emails and letters within five working days and provide a full response within 10 working days. If this is not possible we will keep you informed
Measuring our performance
We want to provide a high standard of service to you. We monitor and then compare our performance on:
- How good we are at repairing and maintaining properties
- How good we are at collecting your rent
- How good we are at managing your neighbourhood
- How good we are at re-letting properties
- How efficient we are as a landlord at providing value for money services. We have been set challenging targets to meet, and details of our performance are published four times a year in the Housing Matters tenants' magazine.
Complaints and compliments
We aim to provide the best service possible for you but we know that from time to time things go wrong. If you think we have let you down, we want you to tell us so that we can put things right. Alternatively you may have ideas about how to improve our service or you may be pleased about the service you have received and wish to tell us.
Where complaints do arise we use the council's corporate complaints procedure, which can be viewed on the council's website or is available in printed form on request.
You can make a complaint by phone, email, letter, in person, or using the online form at Please provide as much information as possible, including the names of any officers you may have already spoken to about the matter.
We hope that most complaints can be resolved when you first contact us, but if further investigation is needed we will respond within 20 days. If you are not happy with the response we provide you can ask for your complaint to be put through to the council's corporate complaints team. If you are still unhappy after they have investigated it, you can contact the Local Government Ombudsman.
If you are unsure about making a complaint, or want to talk to someone for general advice, please contact the customer complaints team:
Tel: 01225 718400
Email: (opens new window)
Post: Wiltshire Council, County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, BA14 8JN
Property Letting Standard
What to expect in your council home
This standard does not apply where tenants have moved by mutual exchange.
General condition
We will:
- ensure that gas, electric and energy efficiency checks have been made and that certificates will be given to you at the start of your tenancy
- ensure that the property is structurally sound and weatherproof
- ensure that the locks are changed to the main doors and that the doors operate correctly, and that windows are secure and all keys are provided
- check any glazing for cracks and replace them before you move in
- check any smoke alarms and ensure they are in working order
- ensure that all floor surfaces are sound
- check handrails and balustrades to ensure they are sound
- check that there is a means of heating and that this is in working order
- test stop cocks and label them
We will:
- ensure that the property is cleaned throughout
- ensure that all sanitary wares are clean
- make sure there is no vermin or pest infestation
- check that all the previous tenants effects have been removed
- give decoration vouchers where appropriate and in accordance with relevant policies
- There will be a sink and drainer over a base unit and at least one double base and wall unit in place
- There will be 2 rows of tiles above the sink top and work surface
- A plug and chain will be provided to the sink
- A gas or electric cooker point will be fitted
- If there is an extractor fan this will be in working order
- Water connections to washing machine pipes and hot and cold taps will be checked and free of leaks
- Waterproof flooring will be fitted
- Sealant around the work surface and flooring will be in good condition
Bathroom and toilets
- All sanitary wares will be in good condition and free from cracks
- A new toilet seat will be fitted to each toilet
- Plugs and chains will be fitted to the bath and basin
- All pipes and taps will be checked and free of leaks
- If an extractor fan is fitted it will be in working order
- Waterproof flooring will be fitted and in good condition
- Sealant around the bath, toilet and washbasin will be in good order
General internal
- All internal doors will operate
- Any defective plaster will be repaired
- Any polystyrene tiles will be removed and surfaces made good
General external
- Some minor external works i.e. minor leaks to roofs and guttering may be repaired once you have moved in.
- Any ponds or other large holes in the garden will be filled and levelled
- Gardens will be free from rubbish
- Any garage or shed that belongs to the property will be empty and secure
- The grass will be trimmed and shrubs will be cut back if necessary
You will receive
- Electric safety certificate
- Gas safety certificate
- Energy certificate
- Instructions on how to use the heating
- Two sets of door keys
- Window lock keys
Where appropriate you will be sent a Crown Paint colour chart. Crown Paint will contact you shortly after your sign-up for your selection. Within your paint pack you will also be given a sundry pack.
What if your new home does not meet this standard?
If you feel that your new home does not meet these standards, please let us know.
Telephone: 0300 456 0117 - option 4
Email: (opens new window)
Write to us or visit us: Housing Management, Wiltshire Council, Council House, Bourne Hill, Salisbury SP1 3UZ