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Council Housing Tenant Handbook

Contact numbers and other organisations

Wiltshire Council - Council Housing

For general or tenancy related enquiries


Neighbourhood (tenancy) team

Tel: 0300 456 0117 - option 4

Email: (opens new window)

For enquiries or advice on paying your rent Income (rents) team

Tel: 0300 456 0117 - option 1

Email: (opens new window)

To report a repair

Tel: 0300 456 0117 - option 2 Office hours are 8.30am to 5pm - any calls before or after these times will be diverted to the housing out of hours lines.

Email: (opens new window)

iHousing tenant portal

To manage your account, pay rent and report repairs

Website: (opens new window)

Follow Wiltshire Council Housing on Facebook visit:

Wiltshire Council - Council tax enquiries

Tel: 0300 456 0109

Email: (opens new window)

Wiltshire Council - Housing Benefits and Council Tax Reduction

Tel: 0300 456 0110

Email: (opens new window)

Southern Electric Power Distribution

Use this number to find out who supplies your electricity:

Tel: 0845 026 2554

National Grid

Use this number to find out who supplies your gas:

Tel: 0870 608 1524

Wiltshire Police

For information and advice on home security

Tel: 101

Website: (opens new window)

Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

For information and advice on fire safety Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service Headquarters, Manor House, Potterne, Devizes, Wiltshire, SN10 5PP

Tel: 01380 723601

Fax: 01380 727000

Website: (opens new window)

Citizens Advice Bureau

Salisbury and District Citizens Advice Bureau, Five Rivers Health and Wellbeing Centre, Hulse Road, Salisbury SP1 3NR

Tel: 03444 111 444

Website: (opens new window)

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