Area boards
Area Board Grants
Wiltshire Council devolves significant funding to the Area Boards in order for them to invest in local community projects and initiatives that meet local priorities and deliver exceptional outcomes for residents. Grant applications must demonstrate how they will improve the local communities by addressing priorities and help to deliver to the council's Business plan.
The Area Boards aim to work in partnership to achieve maximum value for its investment. They take a long term view to invest in prevention and early intervention, focusing on tackling inequalities and improving social mobility.
To be considered for a funding award, applications must be received at least 4 weeks before an Area Board business meeting.
Types of grant
Area Board grants are split into 4 funding schemes:
- Community grants - capital funding to help provide facilities and equipment for projects that are important to the local community. Capital funding can be used to purchase assets or the significant refurbishment of existing assets. Capital items are expected to have a lifespan of at least 5 years.
- Youth grants - revenue funding for projects that provide positive leisure-time activities for young people aged 13-19 or up to 25 years old with special educational needs and/or disabilities. A positive activity can be any educational or recreational leisure-time activity including arts, sports, leisure and informal education and community based which helps young people achieve healthy and safe lifestyle outcomes.
- Older and Vulnerable adult grants - revenue funding to support projects that benefit and improve older and vulnerable residents health and wellbeing. Reducing social isolation and loneliness and supporting people to maintain independence at home for as long as possible are key drivers for this funding.
- Councillor Led initiatives- these can only be submitted by Area Board Councillors to enable Area Boards to tackle local projects which have been initiated by the community to meet local priorities. It is not used to fill gaps where there are service shortfalls or where it is possible for the matter to be resolved through use of the community funding scheme.
Application process
- Speak with your local Strategic Engagement and Partnership Manager (SEPM) and local Wiltshire Councillor (opens new window) regarding your project.
- When you are ready to start your application visit the Area Board online grants portal (opens new window).
- The system guides applicants through the process giving advice and help as you complete the short application form. You can save an application at any stage and return to it later.
- Once submitted, you will be notified via e-mail on next steps or whether further information is required.
- Applications where it is unclear whether the criteria has been met can be referred to the Grant assessment panel.
- Funding decisions are taken at each Area Board business meeting, which take place 4 times per annum.
- Applicants are expected to attend to provide an overview of the project and answer any questions from the local Councillors who allocate the funding awards.
- Successful applicants are required to accept the terms and conditions of the grant which is received via e-mail. The grant can only be drawn down when all award criteria has been met e.g. matched funding is in place and your project is ready to proceed within three months of receiving your award.
- A project evaluation survey will be issued to each successful applicant. Failure to complete the survey will prevent you from being eligible to apply for a further grant in the future.
Make an application
Apply for an Area Board grant (opens new window)
Related documents
Grants criteria (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)
Guide to identify what is capital and revenue (PDF, 266 KB)(opens new window)