Support for Ukraine
Safeguarding awareness

Ukrainian nationals coming to the UK are entitled to feel safe and be welcomed into communities. Below is information on how to stay safe and who to contact if you have concerns.
People fleeing war and persecution are often traumatised. They can often feel that their world has become unstable, unsafe and untrustworthy. It is important therefore that the relationship between guests and those supporting them is one that is empowering, trusting and supportive.
If you have a safeguarding concern regarding a guest, or you are concerned about their behaviour, please contact either Adult or Children's Services on the following number 0300 456 0100.
Further details are available through the Child protection - Wiltshire Council (Children) and Safeguarding - Your care Your support Wiltshire (opens new window) (Adults)
Ukrainian guests needing support can also contact the Barnado's Ukrainian Support Helpline (opens new window) on 0800 148 8586 or (opens new window). Barnardo's provide advice, signposting, and therapeutic support for anyone seeking sanctuary in the UK from the conflict in Ukraine.
There are also resources available in English, Ukraine and Russian on staying safe in the UK which are available online (opens new window). It has been developed by a coalition of anti-slavery and human rights groups for Ukrainian refugees in the UK, aimed at keeping them safe from trafficking and helping them adjust to their new home. The website provides a 'one-stop shop' of useful websites, helplines, and other information - anything from where to get basic travel and housing advice, to opening a bank account and understanding your rights as a worker. Please have a look through and share with Ukrainian guests.
If you would like advice, or therapeutic support you can call the Barnado's Ukrainian Support Helpline (opens new window) on 0800 148 8586 or (opens new window). Barnardo's provides advice, signposting, and therapeutic support for anyone seeking sanctuary in the UK from the conflict in Ukraine.
If you have any concerns or feel unsafe you can contact Wiltshire Police on 999 if it is an emergency or 101 if it is less urgent.
If you have any safety concerns and want to speak to Wiltshire Council, you can call 0300 456 0111 working hours or 0300 456 0100 out of hours.
Ask for Angela scheme: If you are in a pub and feel unsafe you can go to the person behind the bar and "Ask for Angela" This is a scheme that helps people who are on a date or who have met someone at a venue and feel unsafe get help from bar staff. Many venues in Wiltshire participate in this scheme.
There are also resources now available in Ukraine and Russian regarding staying safe in the UK which is available here - ВАШЕ БЕЗПЕЧНЕ ПЕРЕБУВАННЯ У ВЕЛИКОБРИТАНІЇ - Ukrainians Welcome (opens new window).
Modern slavery is where people are forced into carrying out work against their will for no or little pay.
Ukrainian refugees are at risk of the four main types of modern slavery as identified by the Home Office:
- Labour exploitation: where victims are forced to work in a highly exploitative situation in which they cannot freely leave for other employment or exercise choice.
- Criminal exploitation: where victims are exploited and coerced to commit a crime for someone else's gain. An example of criminal exploitation is the transportation and cultivation of drugs
- Sexual exploitation: where victims are coerced into sex work or sexually abusive situations. This includes child sexual exploitation.
- Domestic servitude:which typically involves victims working in a private family home where they are ill-treated, humiliated, subjected to unbearable conditions or working hours or made to work for little or no pay.
The Home Office has produced a Modern Slavery Awareness Booklet (opens new window), with information on how to report if this is happening and GOV.UK has more information on identifying & reporting modern slavery (opens new window).
You can also find further information on the Wiltshire Safeguarding Vulnerable People Partnership: About Safeguarding Adults (opens new window) website.
Please also see the workers' rights information which is also in Ukrainian Права працівників Workers' rights - Ukrainian (opens new window)
There is also a Modern Slavery Helpline which is a Confidential 24/7 helpline for help, advice and information: 08000 121 700
This is where people are transported to different areas of the country or world for the purpose of exploitation.
If you are concerned that someone you know is involved in Human Trafficking, call the police on 999 if it's an emergency or 101 if it's not urgent.
Signs of human trafficking might be
- A lack of freedom
- Work for very little or no pay
- Seem to be in debt to someone
- Live in fear of someone or even the authorities
- Have signs of physical abuse, like cuts and bruises
- Move location regularly
Further information is available on Citizen's Advice website (opens new window) including how to spot it and where else you can go for support.