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Housing Newsletter - December 2022

An important update for Responsive Repairs

We have recently implemented a change to the way we book appointments for your Housing repairs where they are carried out by our in-house workforce. When we book an appointment:

  1. We will email you with the date and time of the appointment, asking you to confirm the appointment within five working days
  2. If we don't have your email address, we will write to you with the date and time of the appointment, asking you to confirm the appointment within five working days
  3. If we don't receive confirmation from you within the five working days after you have received the appointment notice, then the appointment will be cancelled, and the repair order may be cancelled
  4. You will receive a text message reminder of your repair appointment the day before and again the morning of the appointment if we have a mobile phone number on file for you. You can make sure all your contact details are up-to-date using the iHousing Portal or by contacting your Neighbourhood Officer

Why are we doing this?

We are streamlining the process and using email as our primary contact method, to try and reduce the amount of missed appointments and make the process as easy as we can. Every missed appointment costs the council money and prevents us from delivering repairs to other council tenants as quickly as we would like.

All emails from us will have the subject line begin with 'Wiltshire Council Housing', so keep an eye out for all important information from us across all our services relating to your tenancy or property. Make sure you add us to your safe senders list to make sure emails don't end up in the junk email folder.

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