Housing Newsletter - December 2022
We need you to join our Housing Board
We are looking for a new Resident Member for the Housing Board. The Housing Board makes recommendations to senior officers about how to manage the Housing Revenue Account (this is the part of the council which manages council tenancies and leaseholders). It is made up of three residents, three councillors and three independent members.
You can earn £3,175 per year (less tax, National Insurance, impact on benefit entitlements) for helping to make the service better.
If you would like to know more about the role, you can join our virtual taster session to learn about what being on the Housing Board means.
We are holding the taster session on Wednesday 14 December 2022 at 5.30pm using Microsoft Teams - contact us at Tenantparticipation@wiltshire.gov.uk (opens new window)or call us on 0300 456 0117 (option 5) to let us know that you would like to attend and we'll send you the joining link and provide any help to use Microsoft Teams if you need it.