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Housing newsletter - November 2022

Better Homes

Fire safety in our communal areas this winter

As we approach the festive period this winter, we would like to remind you about keeping our communal areas safe and compliant for the safety of you and your neighbours.

As per our communal area policy, no decorations should be placed or hung in communal areas including stairwells and hallways, balconies, shed areas or corridors. This includes wreaths, garlands, posters or free-standing decorations such as trees as well as any electrical decorations like lights.

Please do not install any hooks or screws into flat entrance doors to hang decorations. These are fire doors, and any holes or alterations could seriously affect their performance in a fire situation.

If you have any questions regarding the communal area policy, please contact your neighbourhood officer on 0300 456 0117 - option 4 or email (opens new window).

Carbon Monoxide detectors installed across our housing properties

The Housing team have had great success installing Carbon Monoxide (CO) detectors across a large part of our housing stock where required. However, we still have a number of properties which we have been unable to contact to determine if they require a new CO detector to be fitted.

If you have received communication from the Housing team regarding a visit to check your CO detector or if you believe you should have a CO detector and you do not have one in the property, then please contact our Repairs Team to book an appointment as soon as possible on 0300 456 0117 - option 2 or email (opens new window).

New housing built with the environment in mind

If you're familiar with the Wilton Road area of Salisbury, you may have noticed the new homes being built on the former New Zealand Avenue Youth Centre site. There are 5 new dwellings in total, three 3 bed social rent homes and two 2 bed shared ownership homes.

The homes are being built to high standards which include air source heat pumps as standard. Swift bricks are also being included as part of the build to provide birds with nesting accommodation, along with protecting the mining bees in the existing bank along the main road of the site, as part of the importance of protecting wildlife and biodiversity.

The homes are all due for completion in January 2023, as long as the winter months are kind to the construction team!

If you are interested in one of the homes, please register your interest via Housing Solutions on 0300 456 0106 for both the rented and shared ownership homes.  For more information about purchasing a shared ownership home please contact Victoria Smith on 01249 706556 or email (opens new window).

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