Housing newsletter - November 2022
Better Neighbourhoods
Our estate offices have re-opened in Salisbury
Our estate offices on The Friary and Bemerton Heath estates have reopened for residents. The Neighbourhood Officer is usually available during opening hours to answer any questions you have regarding your home.
You can also phone or email to make an appointment to speak to them at the office and our Tenancy Sustainment Officers and Resident Engagement Officers will be available for drop-in sessions at the times listed below.
Bemerton Heath estate office - Gainsborough Close
Opening hours: Weekdays 9am to 4pm
TSO drop-in session: Thursday 9am to 12 noon
The Friary estate office - Whitefriars Road
Opening hours: Weekdays 9am to 1pm
TSO drop-in session: Wednesday 9am to 12 noon
Our community club meetings at sheltered schemes are changing and we want to hear from you
This autumn sees the last round of our quarterly community club meetings at our Sheltered Schemes.
The meetings have been popular at some of our schemes, but engagement requirements vary across the schemes with some preferring different ways to get involved.
We have been asking our residents how they would like us to engage with them going forward and we will be gathering your ideas in order to provide bespoke engagement for each sheltered scheme.
If you are a tenant in one of our sheltered schemes and would like to share your thoughts and ideas, please contact the Resident Engagement team.