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Housing newsletter - October 2022

Better Lives

Where to go to get advice and help with the rising cost of living?

Concerned about the cost of living crisis? These organisations may be able to help:

The council complaints procedure explained

Every two years, Wiltshire Council Housing carries out the STAR Survey which includes questions about raising different complaints (e.g: regular complaint, anti-social behaviour, etc.).  Wiltshire Council is committed to listening to the view of customers and welcomes feedback whether positive or negative.

You can find out more about the complaints procedure and how to make a complaint on our website using the button below:

Find out more about the complaints procedure

This month's good news story

Congratulations to the winner of our September food hamper draw

Our customer Sharon from Zeals, was delighted to win our first monthly prize food hamper donated by Tesco.

Readers of our new monthly newsletter, Better Homes, Better lives have the opportunity to enter our monthly food hamper competition by email.

Sharon said, "There's more information in than you think, it's worth a read."

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