Project Gigabit
More information on Project Gigabit
This web page does not provide real-time deployment information. It has been designed to signpost to the relevant information depending on where you live, if a premises has already been upgraded, or if a premises is in future build plans. Please find more information via the links below.
- Project Gigabit Delivery Plan - winter update 2022 to 2023 (GOV.UK) (opens new window)
- Project Gigabit Delivery Plan - autumn update 2022 (GOV.UK) (opens new window)
- Project Gigabit Delivery Plan - summer update 2022 (GOV.UK) (opens new window)
- Wiltshire and South Gloucestershire (inc Swindon) public review request for information (GOV.UK) (opens new window)
- Gigabit broadband voucher scheme (GOV.UK) (opens new window)
- BDUK website (GOV.UK) (opens new window)
- BT Plc fibre rollout 'Where and When' fibre checker ( (opens new window)
Find My Address ( (opens new window) - UPRN address checker/number allocating service. This is a free service highlighted within the government's website. It means UPRNs can be checked by residents, businesses, or community leads, and allow them to engage them further in the process when they forward enquiries.