Carbon Neutral Council Plan 2022- 2024
Carbon Neutral Council Plan actions
Action | Milestone | Co-benefits | Responsible Service | |||
C1. Integrate carbon reduction and climate resilience into decision-making and strategic planning based on implementation of the council's Business Plan mission that 'we take responsibility for the environment' and 'we are on the path to carbon neutral' | ||||||
C1.1. Work with council service areas on their service plans, KPIs and CNC actions to decarbonise their service delivery [in conjunction with Carbon Literacy Project - Action C2.1; buildings - C4.1 and C4.3; and procurement - Action C7.2] | By Oct 2022 - Agree appropriate process for climate considerations to be incorporated into service planning process. Embed process by Nov 2023. All service plans incorporate climate action, as per agreed process, by end 2024 | Carbon literacy of staff; Maximising potential for co-benefits through working across service areas to deliver shared outcomes ('One Council' working) | Climate Team with Executive Office. | |||
C1.2. Explore using an impact assessment tool based on Doughnut Economics to ensure climate and environment impacts are systematically considered in council project planning and decision-making. (including capital bids) | Proposal to Corporate Leadership Team Autumn 2022. Agreement on scope of tool by end 2022. Tool rolled out during 2023. | Climate, air quality, public protection, waste reduction, natural environment and biodiversity, as well as socio-economic benefits maximised where possible. | Democracy & Governance; Executive Office; with Climate Team | |||
C1.3. Update the council's Environment Policy Update Cabinet Report guidance to reflect the council's latest climate and environment aims. | Spring 2023 | Develop joint working and identity of new Environment Directorate. | Assistant Director Environment, with Environment Heads of Services | |||
C1.4. Develop climate KPIs and ensure that climate is embedded in the Business Plan and its associated KPIs | Business Plan and KPIs adopted Feb 2022 | Corporate understanding of climate monitoring | Climate Team, with Executive Office | |||
C2. Embed carbon reduction and climate resilience into council working culture, through staff training, values and reward frameworks | ||||||
C2.1. Develop a carbon literacy training programme that enables staff and councillors to apply carbon reduction into their roles | Training for council leadership team March 2023 Aiming for Carbon Literacy Bronze and Silver awards by Dec 2024 (15% of staff accredited) | Transformational, enabling a common understanding of climate change across the council, so that staff can identify carbon reduction and resilience actions in their own service area and contribute to county-wide climate objectives | Climate Team with Learning and Development | |||
C2.2. Identify further mechanisms for encouraging teams and individual staff to take responsibility for climate objectives, e.g. through WOW staff awards for being green in their role. 'Eco Champ' badge already available for impressions. | Assess options by Spring 2023. New WOW staff award category created 2023 | Transformational, towards embedding climate into working culture | HR & OD | |||
C3. Develop a new Carbon Neutral Council Plan, published in 2022 | ||||||
C3.1. Develop and Implement Carbon Neutral Council Plan - informed by Anthesis study, Climate Strategy consultation responses, Climate Emergency Task Group recommendations & discussions with colleagues | Carbon Neutral Council Plan published online by October 2022 | Shows leadership by the council | Climate Team, in conjunction with all service areas | |||
C3.2. Continue to develop and invest capital in climate change projects that provide a positive financial, environmental and social return to the council. Continue to apply for relevant funding, e.g. Salix Low Carbon Skills Fund to allow feasibility studies and development of plans for decarbonisation of council property and fleet. | Ongoing | Leadership and enables delivery. | Multiple service areas. | |||
C3.3. Continue to procure a green tariff for the council's electricity and ensure that green electricity is a fundamental part of any reviews. | Ongoing | Leadership. | FM Energy Team. | |||
C4. Property / Assets: continue to decarbonise heating, improve energy efficiency and expand renewable electricity generation. | ||||||
C4.1. Develop Property Carbon Reduction Plan Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme and the council's own Carbon Reduction budget continue to fund investments in equipment and improvements to buildings resulting in carbon savings. Develop further forward plans for property decarbonisation, in conjunction with senior management and key service areas, with a focus on heat decarbonisation and energy demand reduction (also including water saving measures, and behaviour change). | Produce Carbon Reduction Plan for Property - by Summer 2023 Elimination of oil fuels in council buildings, and no new fossil fuels installed by 2024. | Cost savings. | Energy Team and Climate Team to lead; with FM, Leisure & Libraries, Campus, Depots, Hubs, Car parks, Property, Schools | |||
C4.2. Focus on leisure centres, as a major area of energy use: Leisure centre managers and Energy Team to work on technical and practical ideas for energy efficiency actions specifically for leisure centres to include behaviour change, energy efficiency improvements, renewable heating upgrades, etc | Quarterly update on leisure centre emissions | Leadership; Public awareness opportunity; cost savings | Leisure Centre Managers with Energy Team
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C4.3. Buildings policy Work across council service areas to define net zero policy and develop criteria for new council buildings, retrofit & maintenance. Starting with review of Trowbridge Leisure Provision as a test bed | Policy & protocol drafted by Summer 2023 Fully adopted by Autumn 2023 | Cost savings; comfort. Leadership. | FM Energy Team and Climate Team to lead; with all relevant services | |||
C5. Fleet: strategy review, move to electric vehicles and identify alternative solutions for larger vehicles. Emissions from council vehicles will be reduced by 25% by December 2022, and fully carbon neutral by 2030 | ||||||
C5.1. Adopt Fleet Strategy, to include key carbon / climate objectives:
| 25% of Council-operated Fleet will be replaced by low emission vehicles by December 2022, and fully carbon neutral by 2030
| Staff awareness and culture change. Leading by example. Improved air quality. | Highway Operations; Waste Services; Fleet Services | |||
C5.2. EV charging infrastructure. EV charge points on Wiltshire Council property: Implement EV Charging Infrastructure Plan 2021-2024 (see actions 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4) & develop Depot Strategy to incorporate needs for EV charging, as well as exploring scope for energy generation. All new buildings, depots and areas will meet the move to more modern fuel provision and will be designed to facilitate fleet provision using non-fossil fuel transport. (Fleet Strategy) | Public charge points will be replaced in 2022/ 23. Workplace charge points will be replaced as detail by the emerging Depot Strategy | Improved air quality. | Fleet services; Waste; Energy Team;
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C5.3. Investigate alternative fuels such as biofuels, hydrogen and other fuel technologies for our fleet and implement where proven to deliver the best outcomes for the Council. -Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) trial -Electric Refuse Collection Vehicle trials | Aim to have at least one electric RCV, by 2026/ 27 | Improved air quality. Leadership | Highway Operations | |||
C6 Continue to monitor and reduce direct emissions, while working to understand and reduce scope 3 emissions (supply chain and outsourced operations) for wider impact. | ||||||
C6.1. Continue 6 monthly progress reports to cabinet | Ongoing | All | Climate Team | |||
C6.2. Continue to report Greenhouse Gas Emissions annually. Expand reporting of scope 3 emissions of our own operations, and through engagement with suppliers. This is a first necessary step to reducing our scope 3 emissions [see C7] | Annual GHG reporting. GHG reporting to include more Scope 3 emissions by July 2023 (a sample of schools and suppliers) | All | Climate Team, with Energy, Waste, Fleet, Facilities Management | |||
C6.3. Explore signing up to Carbon Disclosure Project - CDP. | Prepare to submit by July 2023 if decision is to proceed | Leadership | Climate Team | |||
School emissions Explore the potential to decrease carbon emissions from schools. [See Climate Strategy Delivery Plan for Wiltshire - September 2022 B9.5] |
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C6.4. Develop our monitoring framework and explore and trial available tools to track progress on the council's decarbonisation measures and the resulting impacts. | Jan 2023 | Awareness of emissions, and impacts of measures | Climate Team | |||
C6.5. Develop an 'offsetting strategy' for the council's scope 1 & 2 emissions | Produce strategy by end of 2023 | Leadership; nature-based solutions help improve biodiversity, health and wellbeing etc | Climate Team; Estates & property | |||
Staff commuting [See Climate Strategy Delivery Plan for Wiltshire - September 2022 T9.1] |
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C7. Work with the council's supply community, to help achieve economic, environmental and social benefits for the public good and the people of Wiltshire (including reduced carbon emissions) when the council buys goods or services | ||||||
C7.1. Incorporate climate considerations into the procurement process: Incorporate questions on carbon and climate into the tendering process for key new contracts as they arise, to include carbon assessment, reporting and carbon neutral vehicles, as appropriate. | Ongoing, to align with tender timetables.
| Service areas that procure goods or services; Strategic Procurement; Climate Team | |||
C7.2. Adopt a Socially Responsible Procurement Policy, to include objectives on climate and carbon reduction. | Policy in place by Winter 2022/23 All key procurements above a certain threshold incorporate climate requirements in tender and contract. |
| Strategic Procurement; Climate Team | |||
Scope 3 emissions from major suppliers [See Climate Strategy Delivery Plan - Introduction to the Climate Strategy Delivery Plan G2.1] |
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C8 Ensure council property and infrastructure is resilient to the impacts of climate change | ||||||
See action Natural Environment NE5.2 to update the Wiltshire Council Climate Adaptation Plan. This includes putting measures in place for all council property and infrastructure. |
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C9 Ensure all investment considers our climate objectives | ||||||
C9.1. Explore how all investment can consider our climate objectives. (See action C1.2) | Develop an approach to embedding climate considerations in investment decisions. Winter 2023-24. | Future-proofing; Social Value | Finance; Estates and Development; Climate Team | |||
C10 Support the Wiltshire Pension Fund Committee's responsible investment policy, Climate Strategy and action plan | ||||||
C10.1. Incorporate responsible investment issues across the whole investment process. Continue to monitor the fund's exposure to fossil fuel companies and renewable energy, against 2020 baseline, and continue work to expand metrics on carbon assessment. Engage with pension fund managers and use Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) as part of annual reporting. | Reduced carbon footprint of pension funds investments over time as reported in line with the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure. | Awareness and engagement with pension fund members. Leadership. | Wiltshire Pension Fund | |||
C11 Lobby government for increased funding and powers through groups such as UK100/ Countryside Climate Network, ADEPT and the County Councils Network | ||||||
C11.1. Continue to attend and be involved at the core of networks lobbying government. | Quarterly Countryside Climate Network meetings |
| Head of Climate Programme; Environment Assistant Director; Leader of the Council and Climate Portfolio holder | |||
C12 Work with public sector partners, voluntary and community sector and over 20,000 businesses across Wiltshire to share knowledge and delivery | ||||||
C12.1. continue convening and attending working groups to share knowledge and best practice, and explore joint projects:
| Quarterly meetings |
| Climate Team, with NHS, Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service, Police, MOD, Wiltshire College | |||
C12.2. Share knowledge through local authority networks and South West Net Zero Hub. Explore joint procurement e.g. for zero carbon fleet vehicles | Monthly SW Climate officers network meetings; Quarterly LGA Climate Action group meeting |
| Climate Team and others as relevant |