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Carbon Neutral Council Plan 2022- 2024

Risks to delivery

Key risk​ 


National policy does not facilitate delivery locally/keeps changing​ 

Lobby national government; keep strategy and delivery plans flexible; review regularly; prioritise 'no regrets' measures which will yield benefits in a range of scenarios​ 

Lack of local political support​ 

Ensure cross-party support; regular briefings/updates​ 

Delays to timeline for delivery 

Update on progress​ and any issues with delivery twice a year; senior officer and member support to help mitigate delays 

Difficulties embedding climate objectives in all council decisions​ 

Develop new decision-making tools and processes​ 

Market lacks capacity to deliver large scale programmes​ 

Work with employers and training providers to develop capacity and skills; fund programmes to stimulate the market​; supply chain engagement on climate change related procurement exercises and council strategy 

Lack of resources to deliver programme​ 

Identify adequate officer resources and support; access training / best practice networks; access grants and 0% loans; leverage private sector investment; develop capital invest to save bids and business cases; work with volunteers for delivery on the ground. ​ 

Lack of engagement by council staff and resistance to change​ 

Roll out Carbon Literacy training to staff; continue to embed climate actions in service plans and individual objectives; promote green behaviours through staff awards and impressions. 

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