Project Gigabit
- Project Gigabit overview
- Public review
- Project Gigabit information for suppliers
- Project Gigabit information for customers
- More information on Project Gigabit
- Project Gigabit frequently asked questions
- Contacting Project Gigabit
Project Gigabit information for suppliers
Information for suppliers
Updated findings of the public review - second release of phase 2 areas
The closure notice outcomes for the public review (PR) held in the second release of phase 2 areas (Lot 30 - Wiltshire, South Gloucestershire and Swindon) have now been updated and published: Wiltshire, South Gloucestershire and Swindon Public Review closure notice ( (opens new window)
BDUK conducted an open market review (OMR) of the above area from 20 October to 22 November 2021, to identify where there was current or planned investment over the next three years (and beyond) in broadband infrastructure.
From 29 March to 29 April 2022, a PR was subsequently launched in the area to allow the market and interested stakeholders to review, validate, and build upon the findings of the OMR.
The outcome of the PR, for the second release of phase 2 areas, was summarised in terms of White, Grey, Black, and Under Review premises. The closure notices detailing the outcomes for the second release of phase 2 areas listed above, was initially published on 21 September 2022.
Following on from this, BDUK proceeded to design the intervention area (IA) for Lot 30, and complete several rounds of pre-procurement market engagement (PPME), with suppliers to understand levels of interest. The finalised draft IA is now available to view via the link above.
BDUK will only provide subsidy to target premises that have been designated as White. Premises which have been designated as Under Review may be included within the deferred scope of a procurement. Where this is the case, a further review will be undertaken to confirm whether they are Grey or White, before they are released for build.
In accordance with the OMR/PR processes, supplier data submitted during the OMR and PR has been mapped using a methodology that protects commercially sensitive supplier data. To reflect this sensitivity, BDUK will only release White, and Under Review, UPRNs.
Subject to the relevant data-sharing agreements, BDUK can share the list of premises which have been designated as White, and Under Review, with suppliers. If you are a supplier who responded directly to the PR, BDUK have already uploaded this file into your shared external drive. If you are a supplier who did not respond to the PR but would like access to this information, please contact (opens new window) to submit a formal request.
Now that the PPME exercise has concluded, it is anticipated that the second release of phase 2 areas will issue procurements to the market.
Lot 30 - is anticipated to be a single Type B regional supplier contract.
The procurements are anticipated to launch before the end of February 2023.
Further information on the IA designed for Lot 30 can be found within Annex B of the closure notices linked above. These maps are accompanied by a list of UPRNs that fall within the IA, clearly indicating which premises are within the initial or deferred scope which suppliers can also request via (opens new window).
Should you have any questions on the procurement process, please direct these to BDUK's supplier mailbox (opens new window).
Planned voucher pause for cross-regional procurement (Supplier bulletin No 96)
BDUK is preparing to launch a cross-regional procurement. In order to enable finalisation of the intervention areas ahead of this, vouchers will need to be paused for all UPRNs within any of the impacted areas that are currently un-paused.
BDUK will therefore be re-pausing vouchers in the following Lots to enable a new cross-regional procurement:
- Hertfordshire (Lot 26)
- parts of Wiltshire and South Gloucestershire (Lot 30)
- Staffordshire (Lot 19)
The deadline for suppliers to submit any new applications for projects in the above areas was 5pm on 10 February 2023.
For a full view of which UPRNs are un-paused and eligible for voucher funding please download the GOV.UK: Guidance - Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme information (opens new window).
Approved projects received prior to the cut-off date will be added to the voucher priority area (VPA) for the relevant lot and delivery will be able to continue for these projects throughout the cross-regional procurement. It should be noted that the above areas were previously paused to allow consideration of regional procurements in 2022. The VPAs which were formulated at this time will be re-used following a review of any projects which are no longer active.
Please speak to your commercial manager if you are unsure which of your projects in the above areas are set to be included within the VPA. Further information about voucher priority areas (VPAs) and an up-to-date list of which areas are currently paused can be found on the VPA page: GOV.UK: Guidance - Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme information (opens new window).
BDUK may consider, at its own discretion, projects which are submitted after a pause has come into effect. If projects are at an advanced stage of development and there is a strong case to suggest that they are likely to deliver gigabit connections faster and at better value than a GIS procurement then they may be added to the VPA for that area.
Recording of training session delivered on 11 January 2023: GBVS Funding Platform Training, 11 Jan 2023, Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (YouTube) (opens new window)
If you have queries relating to the platform, or would like to report an issue, please use the following routes:
- technical queries (queries relating to something not working as it should) - please raise a Technical Support Ticket. This option is found in the menu in the top right of the funding platform - click 'Support' and complete the form using examples and screenshots as necessary.
- procedural queries (queries relating to project or voucher details and creation) - please use the 'Raise Query' function within the actions menu. These will be routed to the BDUK voucher operations team.
- migration queries (queries relating to your migration to the new platform) - please contact (opens new window)
Further information:
- latest Go List of premises eligible for vouchers: GOV.UK: Guidance - Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme information (opens new window)
- information about accessing sites prior to obtaining work permits, please contact (opens new window)
- seeking a permit that links to the council highway records, please contact (opens new window)
- terms and conditions can be found at: GOV.UK: Guidance - Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme information (opens new window)
- voucher priority areas and key dates visit the Voucher Priority Areas in the Regional Supplier Contracts page of the GBVS website: GOV.UK: Guidance - Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme information (opens new window)
- broader overview of BDUK's work: BDUK website (GOV.UK) (opens new window)
- the Digital Connectivity Portal (GOV.UK) (opens new window)
- resources for communications network providers (GOV.UK) (opens new window)
If you have any questions about the scheme, please contact BDUK using the Support function when signed into the website: GOV.UK: Guidance - Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme information (opens new window).