Chippenham Town Centre Partnership Board Terms of Reference
Chippenham Town Centre Partnership Board (TCPB) - Summary
Terms of Reference : April 2023 (Revision for approval by Board
A Partnership Board to oversee and coordinate the regeneration of Chippenham Town Centre comprising key stakeholders within the town. It is the Board's remit to encompass the whole of Chippenham community area and consider, holistically, the economic, environmental and social well-being opportunities arising from strategically planned growth. Specifically:
- to establish a vision and blueprint for the town and identify the key tasks necessary to deliver it.
- based on this vision to develop a masterplan for Chippenham town centre
- to ensure alignment with the Neighbourhood Plan and other extant strategies in order to maximise benefits to the Chippenham community from future growth of the town (which is to be determined via the Local Plan process)
- to identify key areas for investment required to support and grow the vitality and viability of the town centre
- to identify funding opportunities, oversee applications and direct resources (including CIL receipts from future growth) towards delivery of the masterplan
- to oversee the production of a package of costed, worked-up and ready to go projects prioritised in order to support the overall strategy, which will provide a robust platform from which to make funding bids as and when such opportunities arise
The Chippenham TCPB will provide strategic direction, scrutiny and oversight for the Programme of activities it will define and agree. It is not a fund holding body, so partner organisations will be responsible for the individual projects commissioned by them, seeking authority and reporting through their established reporting structures including seeking the necessary authority for the involvement of the TCPB. The Board will elect its own Chair and agree its own Terms of Reference.
Proposed composition
The membership of the group is to be strategic, so where possible, limited to one representative per organisation / area. Pillars are to be established at the direction of the Board (and described in the ToRs) involving broader groups where appropriate.
Secretariat and project support
To be provided by Wiltshire Council
Individual projects for which The Board has oversight should be led by the organisation providing or leading on the funding. This will ensure that organisational oversight for any project / spend is maintained. Other projects that may emerge could have other sponsors as will be agreed at the discretion of the Board.