Chippenham Town Centre Partnership Board Terms of Reference
5. Pillars
As agreed at the TCPB Board Meeting on 1 July 2022 - the following activity pillars, tracking the above objectives, are within the remit of the Chippenham TCPB (taking account of established operational arrangements)
- Managing the town
- Supporting business growth
- Vibrancy, Culture and Communicating the Offer
- Developing and Integrating the Town (including the masterplan)
Under this model, the Board will appoint a lead officer for each pillar from member organisations. The leads will be responsible for developing action-plans for consideration and endorsement by the place board, with the current activities of the Operations Board providing the basis. Deliverables should be in the short (3-6- month period) Medium (12-18-month period) and long term (18 months plus)for each pillar. In addition, the leads will seek to secure the necessary funding for the action plans to support implementation.
The below establishes the broad remit of each pillar, including areas of activity and IPM priorities. Responding to the climate emergency does not have its own pillar.
Pillars | Activities covered |
Managing the town | Cleanliness/appearance (IPM) Environment Well being and health Crime and anti-social behaviour Maintenance and repairs Data and Reporting Experience: the experience of visitors and residents and Assurance of a quality service - IPM |
Supporting business growth/developing the economy | Business support incl. start-ups. Licensing Premises development Recruitment and skills Understanding barriers to entry for businesses and overcoming them (IPM) Inward investment and retaining employers, includes retailers/hospitality sector |
Vibrancy, Culture and Communicating the Offer | Cultural entertainment offer Heritage offer Events within spaces of the town. (this is connected to the pillar below) Leisure offer making the most of green and blue infrastructure Food & Drink Hospitality The retail experience Promotion of the town centre (including events) Activity hours (IPM) Development and management of recreational space. (IPM) Attracting visitors and residents into the town Informing visitors and residents what is available Protection and enhancement of built heritage and green spaces |
Developing and integrating the town | Planning policies / Town centre Masterplan and links to wider growth of the town under LPR (need for holistic approach) Physical interventions Transport (all modes of transport & parking) Public Realm Walkability and wayfinding within the town centre Liveability (IPM) Adaptability (IPM) |
The Board has agreed that responding to Climate Change is an issue common to all pillars and will need to be considered by each pillar lead in developing and delivering the work of the pillar.