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Housing Newsletter - April 2023

Welcome to the April Better Homes, Better Lives newsletter

In this edition, you can find out about our 2023 gardening competition, advice on how to check if your eligible for the Energy Bills Support Scheme Alternative Funding (EBSSAF) and information about the new Responsive Repairs appointments process. We also look at new residents groups and events and the chance to win a hamper in our monthly competition.

Remember, information about Wiltshire Council's cost-of-living support, including energy cost advice, housing advice and financial support, can be found at and these pages will be updated regularly 

Win a food hamper worth over £30 donated by Tesco in our monthly prize draw!

We're giving away a free food hamper, sponsored by Tesco, to our newsletter readers. To enter, simply follow the link below and email us with your name and address before the closing date of Friday 14 April and you will be entered into the draw. Your entry email must include your name and address for your entry to be valid and go into the draw. Please do not simply send a blank email. Terresa, our March hamper winner, told us ""I'm thrilled! With the shopping prices as they are, this is really helpful." 

Better Homes

Repairs appointments for your property

When a repair has been issued to our in-house repairs team, our planning team will schedule an appointment on our system and then send either an email or a letter advising you of the appointment date and time. Therefore, it is important that you keep your contact details up to date and inform us as soon as possible of a change in phone number or email address.

Confirmation of your appointment

If we have an email address for you, you will receive the appointment via this method. The email includes a link for you to click on, which will confirm the appointment. Once you have confirmed, the appointment is set.

If we have sent you an appointment by letter, the letter shows the date and time and asks you to call or email your confirmation. When you do this, the staff member you speak to will confirm the appointment.

If we don't hear from you within five working days of our email or letter, then we will send you a text message if we have your mobile number, asking you to confirm the appointment, which you can respond and confirm via text message. This is done by simply replying "Confirm" to the text message.

The text message alert

If we hold your mobile telephone number, you will receive a text message reminding you of the appointment at 12pm the day before and then again on the day itself at 7.30am.
The text message notification provides you with an option to decline the appointment if you (or a responsible adult) will not be available on the day. This is done by replying "No Visit" to the text message, which will alert our officers so we can arrange an alternative appointment.

If an appointment has to be changed

If the agreed appointment has to be changed from the original by us, then our planners will produce a new letter or contact you directly to confirm the change. If you need to cancel or change an appointment it is important to contact us as soon as possible, so a new date can be booked in for the work. This will also free up the contractor for another appointment slot for another property.

If the original appointment is not confirmed by you, then that date will be moved and the office will contact you again with another. If we still do not hear from you, the works may be delayed. Your Neighbourhood Officer will contact you to arrange access for the works to be carried out. It is important to confirm appointments as soon as possible or contact us to re-book at a more convenient time.

In all cases, you can contact the Repairs team on 0300 456 0117 - option 2 or by email to (opens new window).

Better Neighbourhoods

Calling all green fingered residents, it's the Wiltshire Council Housing gardening competition 2023

Whether you have been working on your garden for many years, or have just moved in and are just beginning, we are looking for tenants who enjoy their garden and take a pride in it to enter our competition.

There are two categories with a £50 Prize for each category winner.

  1. Traditional gardens including pots and balcony gardens
  2. Communal gardens including flats and Sheltered Schemes

There are also special judges awards of £20 for the best vegetable garden and the best creative use of space.

It's open to all Wiltshire Council housing tenants and leaseholders, the closing date is Friday 23 June 2023. Entrants will need to send in up to five photos of their garden by email and then a shortlist will be drawn up for the judges to visit. Our guest judge this year will be Harry from the Allotment Society. For more information, please contact the Resident Engagement Team.

Lanfear Close quizzers in action

A resident from Lanfear Close sheltered scheme got in touch with the Resident Engagement Team to ask for support setting up a quiz for residents in the communal lounge.
Caz from the Resident Engagement Team worked with the residents to set a time and date and was able to host the event as Quizmaster. On Wednesday 8 March, Caz and 11 residents enjoyed a fun afternoon quiz. Residents created their own teams, with "The three wise monkeys" winning on the day. 

The event was a big success and residents have now set a date for next month, to make this a monthly event. If you would like help and support in setting up community groups, clubs or events in your area, please contact the Resident Engagement Team.

Better Lives

Get Out Get Active programme encouraging healthy lifestyles in Wiltshire

Disabled and non-disabled people living in Wiltshire are being encouraged to enjoy being more active together this spring, thanks to a program called Get Out Get Active (GOGA).
The program is supported by Devizes-based Community First. It is aiming to engage the least active communities and harder to reach groups in fun, inclusive ways to get fit, as well as making physical activity more accessible for people who might need extra support and encouragement. The programme also looks to strengthen community spirit, increase confidence, and improve mental health.

The first GOGA at Needham House sheltered scheme in Devizes, started well with a great turn out. Everyone who attended enjoyed the session and over a cup of tea afterwards, resident Dougie told us "It is great to get out of my flat and do some physical activity".
You can find out more about the programme at Get Out Get Active (opens new window).

Are you eligible for The Energy Bills Support Scheme Alternative Funding? 

We have recently written out to tenants who are eligible for the Energy Bills Support Scheme Alternative Funding (EBSSAF) to make them aware of the above scheme. It is intended to help those households that missed out on the £400 Energy bills discount scheme due to not having a direct contractual relationship with their electricity supplier. For example, where you pay for energy through your landlord.
Ministers are urging all eligible households to avoid missing out by applying as soon as possible for their support, whilst also warning households to stay alert to potential scams and report them to relevant authorities where they are suspected.

You may be eligible to apply if your main home is:

  • in social or private rented accommodation which has a business energy connection or a communal electricity supply
  • a residential park home
  • on a permanent Gypsy and Traveller site
  • part of a heat network without an electricity meter
  • off the mains electricity or gas grid

You can apply if: 

  • you pay for the energy your household uses
  • you're applying for your main, permanent home

You may be entitled to this scheme, but please bear in mind you cannot apply if you have an individual electricity or gas account or you've already had Energy Bills Support Scheme payments. This is the six automatic monthly payments or prepayment meter vouchers of £66 or £67 from your energy supplier, received from October 2022.

Applications must be made via the government's GOV.UK page (opens new window)

The government has also set up a dedicated customer helpline to assist customers who do not have online access. The telephone number is 0808 175 3287. Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm.

You'll be told about the progress of your application by email or letter. You should get a response within six weeks.

If you cannot apply online or need help with your application, contact the helpline team.
Email (opens new window)
Telephone: 0808 175 3287
Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm

Our energy saving top tips this month

Saving energy and money on your laundry

  • Always make sure your washing machine runs a full load to maximise energy efficiency. Consider the temperature settings for each wash. Some items can be washed at 30 degrees which will save more energy. It's good practice to do a hot, service wash once a month to keep the machine clean. If your washing machine is very old, it could save you money in the long run to replace it with a more energy efficient appliance.
  • Avoid using a tumble dryer for your clothes. As the weather improves, drying clothes on racks or lines outside could save up to £40 a year. Drying outside also helps to reduce damp inside your property.
  • Most of our blocks of flats have communal drying areas in the gardens or even internal drying rooms in some cases. If the washing lines are broken or missing, contact the Responsive Repairs Team via the iHousing Portal.

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