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Household Support Fund 4 (HSF4)

Find support if you've not been contacted already

In most cases households have already been identified and will be approached directly with support or asked to apply. However, there are various ways people can seek support.

Over the coming months, projects will be set up across Wiltshire communities and promoted to those eligible and most in need. Website links will be continuously updated as projects and access routes into funding become available - some of which may be delivered over the autumn or winter months.

Wiltshire Council Local Welfare Provision Scheme

The Wiltshire Council Local Welfare Provision Scheme helps people in immediate need. To find out if you are eligible visit our Help in a crisis page.

Local Welfare Provision

Applications can be made by downloading the form available on Local Welfare Provision - Crisis or household support fund ( (opens new window), under 'How to apply', or calling 0300 456 0110 9am to 12 noon Monday to Friday only.

Community food banks and providers

The local food banks and Community Food Providers supported by the fund can be approached directly by residents regarding how to participate. To find community food providers visit our Interactive Community Directory (opens new window).

Housing Associations

Tenants from the following Housing Associations /societies may also be eligible under the following HSF4 schemes. Applicants should go through their associations existing process for support, whether this is via caseworkers or contacting them directly.

Third sector organisations

Residents can also apply via one of the third sector organisations. Any referrals will be supported through their established application, assessment and monitoring processes.

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