Housing Newsletter - August 2023
Welcome to the August Better Homes, Better Lives newsletter
In this edition, you can find out about the services available at our re-opened estate offices in Salisbury, the results of our garden competition, how you can get more involved in your community and a link to our new guide to help prevent mould and damp in your property.
Remember, information about Wiltshire Council's cost-of-living support, including energy cost advice, housing advice and financial support, can be found at www.wiltshire.gov.uk/cost-of-living and these pages will be updated regularly.
Win a food hamper worth over £30 donated by Tesco in our monthly prize draw!
We're giving away a free food hamper, sponsored by Tesco, to our newsletter readers. Our July hamper winner, Annette, told us "We've only been here a year and we love it. Winning this is the icing on the cake!"
Better Homes
Estate offices refurbished and re-opened in Salisbury
Our Friary estate office on Whitefriars Road in Salisbury is now re-opened following its refurbishment and is open at the following times:
Tuesday 10am to 3pm
The Neighbourhood Team and Resident Engagement Team will be available with help and advice for all tenancy, housing management and resident engagement queries.
Wednesday 9am to 12 noon
The Tenancy Sustainment Service has a free drop in session where you can get help with debt and money issues, applying for welfare benefits, maximising your income and support with education and employment opportunities.
Thursday 10am to 3pm
The Neighbourhood Team will be available with help and advice for all tenancy and housing management queries.
Our Bemerton Heath estate office on Gainsborough Close in Salisbury is now re-opened following its refurbishment, opening times can be found on https://www.wiltshire.gov.uk/article/5865/About-Wiltshire-Council-Housing.
Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm
The Neighbourhood Team will be available with help and advice for all tenancy, housing management enquiries.
Thursday 9am to 4pm
The Tenancy Sustainment Service has a free drop-in session where you can get help with debt and money issues, applying for welfare benefits, maximising your income.
You can still contact the Housing Team at any time via the iHousing Portal, by emailing HSGMail@wiltshire.gov.uk (opens new window) or by phone on 0300 456 0117.
Better Neighbourhoods
The winners of our 2023 garden competition
Thank you to all of our competition entrants this year. The Resident Engagement Team were delighted to have expert judge Harry from the Allotment Association choosing this year's winners.
With four categories including best traditional garden, best communal garden, best vegetable garden and best creative use of space Harry had his work cut out to go through all the wonderful picture entries. It wasn't easy with so many beautiful gardens!
The best traditional garden was won by Mr and Mrs Green at Norfolk Road. "The hard work and up-keep on the garden they have done over the last nine months has shown continuous progression throughout the seasons and has resulted in a beautiful range of plants and colours" said this year's judge Harry. Mr and Mrs Green said,
We couldn't believe it when you rang to let us know we had won, we have never won anything in our lives! We didn't enter to win, we entered because we are tidy people and it's been tough getting the results. Thank you so much!
Best communal garden was won by the residents of Needham House. Harry said that this garden caught his attention particularly because of "Creative planting and the sheer hard work that has gone into the maintaining and the constant upkeep. Brilliant work."
The judges award for the most creative use of space was won by Stan from Needham House for his garden plot and balcony. Harry told us that Stan had made "a very clever way of bringing the garden to the house, brilliant way of being closer to nature." Stan and Harry had a good chat about his gardening past and his taking part in Devizes in Bloom for 10 years. Gardening has always been a hobby for Stan and he said he gets pleasure from seeing all the colour and flowers blooming.
The Judges award for the best vegetable garden went to Colin at Evergreen Court. Harry asked Colin why he took up gardening and what it means to him, Colin said "he had to stop playing cricket at 50 due to health, he then started gardening to keep active. He had an allotment prior coming to Evergreen, he loves growing from seed, he said it's satisfying, he feels proud, and he enjoys the fresh air. Gardening is also supporting him with his health and wellbeing.
Better Lives
Phunky foods success in Salisbury
Residents continue to enjoy our free six-week cookery course hosted by cook Jacqui of Phunky Foods. The Resident Engagement team was able to access the course that is provided by Wiltshire Council's Public Health team. Working closely with the Community Development team on Bemerton Heath we were able to use the Pinewood Way Community Centre at no charge.
One of the course attendees Christine said, "I have been inspired today, I would never of though of putting these ingredients together!" Not only are tenants cooking up a storm they are also making new friends and hope to continue to meet up when the course ends.
If you and your local community are looking at ways to improve social activity in your area then get in touch! For more information about how we can support you in holding events and setting up new groups and activities in your area, please contact the team at Tenantparticipation@wiltshire.gov.uk (opens new window).
The new guide to preventing damp and mould in your property is now available online
Wiltshire Council Housing tenants guide to damp and mould (PDF, 2 MB)(opens new window)
You can also find information for dealing with common repairs problems and advice on how to tackle repairs and maintenance that is the responsibility of the tenant at Repairs and maintenance.
If you need to report damp and mould in your property, you should do so without delay, through the iHousing Portal https://ihousing.wiltshire.gov.uk (opens new window) or by calling 0300 456 0117 - option 2
For more information about what repairs and maintenance you are responsible for as a tenant, you can contact your neighbourhood officer via the iHousing Portal https://ihousing.wiltshire.gov.uk (opens new window) or by email at HSGMail@wiltshire.gov.uk (opens new window).