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Local Plan

Regulation 19 consultation autumn 2023

Wiltshire Local Plan Regulation 19 consultation (closed)

During the Local Plan consultation held in the autumn 2023 we received more than 10,700 comments from the public, Wiltshire Council members, businesses, community groups, and town and parish councils.

All comments received as part of the Regulation 19 consultation can be seen here: Regulation 19 consultation, comments received

The consultation ran from Wednesday 27 September, to Wednesday 22 November. This was an opportunity for all interested parties to have their say on the proposals. This consultation represented the final stage before the Plan, its accompanying evidence, and all submitted comments are sent to a government Planning Inspector for independent examination. In accordance with the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 ( (opens new window), the Planning Inspector will consider all comments made within the consultation period.

This webpage provides information on the consultation that was undertaken.

Drop-in events and webinar

As part of the consultation there were 16 drop-in events at libraries and leisure centres across the county. A live webinar was also held on 10 October, a recording of which is available on our YouTube channel.

YouTube: Wiltshire Council - Local Plan webinar, 10 October 2023 (opens new window)

The webinar included a question and answer session. Due to the volume of questions that were received, it was not possible for all of them to be answered during the event. We have therefore published a document containing all of the questions that were submitted, and their answers.

Local Plan webinar, Q&A responses (OpenDocument text format, 960 KB)(opens new window)

The publication version of the Wiltshire Local Plan builds on the findings of earlier consultations, which can be found on our previous consultations page.

How you could have your say on the Wiltshire Local Plan (the Plan)

Online consultation portal

Comments (known as 'representations' in this context) could be submitted online using the council's consultation portal. This was the recommended route, and the simplest, as it allowed you to comment directly on the Plan as you look through it. Access to the portal and instructions on how to use it are below.

Consultation portal (opens new window)

Email or post

If you were unable to access the consultation portal, you could use this form: Wiltshire Local Plan Regulation 19 representation form (OpenDocument text format, 48 KB)(opens new window), and submit your comments via email or post.

Email (opens new window)


Spatial Planning
Planning Directorate
Wiltshire Council
County Hall
Bythesea Road
BA14 8JN

Further information on how to comment, and what to consider when making a comment, could be found within the statement of representation procedure (guidance note) (OpenDocument text format, 35 KB)(opens new window).

All comments submitted, via the portal or otherwise, will be made publicly available. See your personal details, for information.

View the consultation documents

Consultation Portal

The easiest way to view the Plan, and submit your comments directly, was on the consultation portal:

Consultation Portal (opens new window)

Interactive map

You could also view the Plan on our ArcGIS mapping platform, where we created interactive maps that illustrate each of the policies, and made available a series of stories taking you through the chapters of the Wiltshire Local Plan.

Interactive map of the Plan and its policies ( (opens new window) 

PDF download

An accessible PDF version of the Plan is also available for download: Wiltshire Local Plan Pre-Submission Draft 2020-2038 (Regulation 19) (PDF, 44 MB)(opens new window)

Hard copies of the Plan and supporting documents are available

Hard copies of the Plan, and supporting documents, were also available to view, during the consultation period, at the council's main offices and a selection of libraries and community hubs, as detailed below. You could also request individual copies, for which printing and postage costs applied, see below for details.

Frequently asked questions

Contact us for more information

If you would like any further information on the Plan, proposed submission documents, or any of the supporting documents, please contact us.

Email: (opens new window)

01225 713223

Spatial Planning
Planning Directorate
Wiltshire Council
County Hall
Bythesea Road
BA14 8JN

Your personal details

To ensure an effective and fair examination, it is important that the Inspector and all other participants in the examination process are able to know who has made comments (known as 'representations' in this context)on the plan. The council will therefore ensure that the names of those making representations can be made available (including publication on the council's website) and taken into account by the Inspector.

The council therefore cannot accept anonymous representations - you must provide us with your name and contact details. Address details will not be made publicly available. All personal data will be handled in line with the council's Spatial Planning privacy notice.

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