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Housing Newsletter - October 2023

Welcome to the October Better Homes, Better Lives newsletter

In this edition, you can find out about checks you can carry out on your home to make sure it is ready for the colder weather. You can also find out about some of the things that the Resident Engagement Team have been supporting residents with around the county, as well as our monthly hamper prize draw.

Remember, information about Wiltshire Council's cost-of-living support, including energy cost advice, housing advice and financial support, can be found at Supporting you through the rising cost of living and these pages will be updated regularly.

Win a food hamper donated by Tesco in our monthly prize draw!

We're giving away a free food hamper, sponsored by Tesco, to our newsletter readers. To enter, simply follow the link below and email us with your name and address before the closing date of Friday 13 October and you will be entered into the draw.
Your entry email must include your name and address for it to be valid and go into the draw. Please do not simply send a blank email.
Our September hamper winner, Kirsty, told us "Thank you, my kids will love this!".

Better Homes

Making sure your home is winter ready

As the colder weather comes in the Autumn, it is important to check your properties heating is working. Run the heating, check all of your heaters and radiators are heating fully and that any controls, timers and thermostats are set correctly. Report any faults or problems as soon as possible to the Responsive Repairs team.

It is also a good time to check the outside of your property including the roof and guttering. Visually check the roof for any signs of damage or slipped tiles you can see from the ground. Look at the gutters for any broken sections or signs of plants or other debris in the gutters. Look for any damage to the bricks or render that could allow water in. Below are two examples of what to be on the lookout for.  
You can report any repairs, including signs of damp and mould to the Responsive Repairs team through I-Housing tenants services (opens new window) or by calling 0300 456 0117 - option 2.

You can also find lots of helpful advice in our new Wiltshire Council Housing tenants guide to damp and mould (PDF, 2 MB)(opens new window).

Better Neighbourhoods

Mayoral Lunch in Salisbury celebrating community contributions

Residents were in for a treat when they attended the first ever Older People's Mayoral lunch held by the Mayor of Salisbury, Cllr Atiqul Hoque at the Guildhall. The Mayor wanted to show his thanks to our local older people for the contributions they bring to the community.

The free event included a two-course meal and warm welcome from the Mayor himself who introduced guest speakers including the Deputy Lord Lieutenant Phil Harding, Older People's Champion Irene Kohler and event sponsors Platinum Skies Managing Director Mark Edwards.

Resident Engagement Officer Kate was delighted to host a table with residents who have contributed and continue to contribute to make Salisbury a great place to live.

You said, we did! - flowerbeds tidied at Philip Court

Residents asked for two flower beds to be tidied up ready for the winter when they met iDverde's Community Engagement Manager Paul at their latest community club meeting.
"We are really pleased to get this done, thank you!" said Pat and her neighbours.

Upcoming estate inspections in October

Residents are welcome to join us on the inspections, either for the whole route or just their street or the area around their property. This will help us assess the housing stock, the communal areas and the environmental aspects such as parking, pavements and grassed areas. This is also a great opportunity to speak to your Neighbourhood Team and discuss your local community and the opportunity for you to get more involved in your housing service.

Residents of the areas being inspected will receive an email prior to the inspection, inviting them to take part in a survey and give any feedback regarding the area they live in.

20 October - Fovant

The inspection starts at 10am at The Poplars and will then move on to The Elms.

You can find out more about upcoming estate inspections, as well as read the reports from previous inspections on our website at Resident involvement.

Better Lives

Castle Meadow charity coffee morning and tabletop sale a success

At the start of September, residents at Castle Meadow in Downton held a community open event in support of Salisbury Hospice. With tea, coffee and cake, bric-a-brac, book sales and a raffle with donated prizes, a good time was had by all while raising £300 for the worthy cause.

The residents were supported in organising and running the event by Jasmine, their Resident Engagement Officer.

Healthy Minds courses begin in Salisbury

Our first ever Healthy Minds Course being delivered by health trainers Kerri and Terri got off to a flying start at our Philip Court sheltered scheme.

Residents learnt to look at ways to re-set their day if needed to overcome those times when we can all feel low. The free course will last for seven weeks and attendees were presented with their very own journal.

"I am looking forward to next week!" said Pat who made sure that everyone had a nice fresh cuppa during the session. If you would like to find out more about the Healthy Minds course, please contact the Resident Engagement Team.

For more information about how we can support you in holding events and setting up new groups and activities in your area, please contact the team at (opens new window).

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