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Wiltshire Technology Enabled Care (TEC) Strategy 2023 to 2028


In Wiltshire, we know that residents have high expectations for the lives they lead and the support services they access. People want to realise their ambitions and don't want to be held back because of their disability or health condition. As a Council, we are committed to providing high-quality, personalised support which enables people to live independently, have relationships, access paid work, enjoy good health and enjoy life.

We have one of the fastest growing older populations in the country. Older people consistently tell us that they want to continue living in their own homes and participating in their communities for as long as possible. Children, young people and adults with disabilities rightly expect to access support which enables them to build on their strengths and talents and live independent lives.

We can only meet these needs and expectations by focusing on prevention and early intervention, rather than waiting until people reach crisis point.

Technology is a critical part of how we will meet this increasing demand over the next five years and beyond. Technology is a huge part of modern-day life which continues to develop and grow every day. Social care has not always kept pace with these advances, and both the public and professionals are not always aware of what Technology Enabled Care (TEC) solutions are available and the positive outcomes they can deliver for people.

Over the lifetime of this strategy, we will embed TEC within the Care Act Assessment process, so that technology is a core way of supporting improved health and wellbeing outcomes for the people of Wiltshire. This strategy outlines how we will expand our use of TEC for the benefit of people who use health and social care. Technology will sit alongside, or in some cases replace, more traditional forms of care and support.

What we do will be led by the voices of children and young people, adults with disabilities, older people and unpaid carers. We know that people want to be in control of their lives, and their views have shaped and will continue to shape this work. The strategy is underpinned by our core values of prevention and early intervention, tackling inequalities, understanding our communities, and promoting independence.

We know we will need to change the culture of how we work, so that TEC becomes an integral part of our social care offer and is embedded within the wider changes being made by Wiltshire Council and our partners.

In this strategy, you can expect to find information about:

  • our vision: why this strategy is so important and how we will work together with carers over the next five years
  • local and national context: the impact of TEC on our residents and communities, the economy, and people who provide care; a summary of our local population and how we think it will change over the coming years
  • co-production: how the views of people with dementia, their families and carers, the public and professionals have shaped this strategy, and how they will continue to guide and monitor the work we do
  • our priorities: describing the five priority areas which have come out of the co-production work
  • how we will deliver the priorities: a more detailed look at what we will do in the next five years, with measurable outcomes

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