Wiltshire's Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy
Wiltshire Health and Wellbeing Board
The board is made up of voting and non-voting members from Wiltshire Council, the NHS and Healthwatch Wiltshire, Wiltshire Police and Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service (DWFRS).
The statutory functions of the Board include:
- to prepare a Joint Strategic Assessment (JSNA); a Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) and Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy (JLHWS)
- a duty to encourage integrated working between health and social care commissioners in connection with the provision of health and social care services
- a power to encourage close working between commissioners and health-related services and the board itself
- a power to encourage close working between commissioners of health-related services and commissioners of health and social care services
For information on the membership of the board and the next meeting date can be found: Committee details - Health and Wellbeing Board (cms.wiltshire.gov.uk) (opens new window).