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Planning Consultation Guidance Notes

4. Determination of impact of proposal involving commercial or industrial noise

Where a BS4142:2014+A1:2019 assessment is applicable this table gives a guide as to how BS4142 might interact with the Noise Hierarchy. However all applications with be judged on a case by case basis.

4.1 Table 3 Summary of noise hierarchy from PPG (Noise)
ResponseExamples of outcomesEffect LevelActionApproximate BS 4142 assessment
Not presentNo effectNo Observed effectNo specific measures required-10
Present and not intrusiveNoise can be heard but does not cause any change in behaviour, attitude, or other physiological response. Can slightly affect the acoustic character of the area but not such that there is a change in the quality of life.No observed adverse effectNo specific measures required




 Lowest observed adverse effect level (LOAEL)   
Present and intrusiveNoise can be heard and causes small changes in behaviour, attitude, or other physiological response e.g. turning up volume of television: speaking more loudly, where there is no alternative ventilation closing windows for some of the time because of the noise. Potential for some reported sleep disturbance. Affects the acoustic character of the area such that there is a perceived change in the
quality of life.
Observed adverse effectMitigate and reduce to a minimum





 Significant observed adverse effect level (SOAEL)   
Present and disruptiveThe noise causes a material change in behaviour, attitude or other physiological response e.g. avoiding certain activities during periods of intrusion, where there is no alternative ventilation provision having to keep windows closed most of the time. Potential for sleep disturbance
resulting in premature awakening and difficulty getting back to sleep. Quality of life diminished due to change in acoustic character of the area.
Significant observed adverse effectAvoid+7
Present and very disruptiveExtensive and regular changes in behaviour, attitude or other physiological response and / or an inability to mitigate effect of noise leading to psychological stress e.g. regular sleep deprivation/awakening; loss of appetite, significant, medically definable harm, e.g. auditory and non-auditory.Unacceptable adverse effectPrevent




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