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Planning Consultation Guidance Notes

7. Demolition and Construction Noise

When assessing an application consideration shall also be given to possible noise and vibration impacts during demolition, site preparation and construction. The need for controls will be based on the location, proximity of noise-sensitive receptors and the proposed works. Whilst there are powers to control construction noise under section 61 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974 through a prior consent process, and section 60 through an enforcement notice to control noise and vibration, it is likely we will also seek controls through the planning process, particularly for very sensitive locations or extended construction periods.

The following provides guidance on the issues that should be considered and the type of controls that may be appropriate in respect of noise and vibration management:

  1. Hours of use-works that may be audible at the site boundary shall not take place outside the hours of Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm, Saturday 8am to 1pm and no work on Sunday and Bank Holidays,
  2. The parking of vehicles of site operatives and visitors,
  3. Loading, unloading and storage of plant and materials - consideration shall be given to the type of reversing alarms on delivery vehicles and associated impacts, location of off-loading and storage areas, avoidance of materials being dropped should be considered,
  4. Piling-carry out piling operations using the quietest methods available,
  5. Noise and vibration control methodologies - there should be a clear statement that the principles of BS5228:2009 will be followed in terms of noise and vibration control and effective site management as outlined below,
  6. Mobile plant and machinery - all such plant used on site shall be fitted with white noise reversing alarms,
  7. Delivery routing,
  8. Working outside the standard hours of work - certain operations (such as concrete power floating, erection and dismantling of towers cranes, work on the highway) cannot always be undertaken within preferred hours of operation for noisy activities. We would seek to avoid such noisy works being carried out whilst residents are sleeping, if however there is no other option, ECP must be notified and local residents informed in writing and provided with a contact telephone number for them to call should they have any queries or problems.

Any mitigation for reducing impacts of construction noise should apply effective site management which includes:

  • avoidance of amplified music on site
  • not using vehicles with reversing alarms before 8am
  • not leaving noisy equipment / vehicles running unnecessarily e.g. at night or early deliveries
  • undertaking the noisiest operations in the middle of the day
  • keep noisy deliveries to the middle of the day especially skip and cement deliveries
  • ensure all materials are carefully loaded and unloaded to avoid unnecessary noise (such as avoiding items being dropped)
  • locate noisy static plant (e.g. diesel generators and crushers) away from noise-sensitive properties
  • ensure equipment is properly maintained
  • ensure noisy plant is adequately insulated / screened
  • advise local residents in writing that work is to take place and provide a contact telephone number for them

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