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Housing Benefit

Appealing a decision

When we have dealt with your claim for housing benefit, we will send you a benefit decision notice. This notice will show the information we have used to work out your benefit. You should check this notice carefully. If you do not understand the notice, you should contact us immediately.

Contact the benefits team

If you think that the decision is wrong, you should Contact the benefits team in writing within one calendar month of the date of the decision notice and ask us to reconsider the decision. You should also set out why you think that the decision is wrong. We will then review the decision and send you a new decision notice either confirming or amending the original decision.

If you wish to appeal to the Independent Appeals Tribunal, you must Contact the benefits team in writing within one calendar month of the date of the original decision notice, or, if you have already asked for a reconsideration, within one calendar month of the new decision notice. Any appeal must be completed in writing and must set out the reasons why you think the decision is wrong. Be aware that it may be some months before your appeal is heard by the Independent Appeals Tribunal.

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