Wiltshire Dementia Strategy 2023 to 2028
Our vision and aims
This strategy builds on the 2014 Wiltshire Dementia Strategy, whose aim was that all people with dementia and their carers and families in Wiltshire are treated as individuals and can access the right information, care and support at the right time so that they can live well with dementia within supportive and understanding communities.
Building on these strengths and improving outcomes for people with dementia and carers will mean working across our communities to ensure that dementia is understood, the strengths and potential of people with dementia are valued, and the needs of people with dementia, and carers, are met.
At the heart of this strategy is the recognition that whilst dementia can have a significant and often devastating impact on the person and their loved ones, a person with dementia does not cease to be the person they once were. The challenge for people supporting the person with dementia is to find ways of staying connected with that person.
This strategy reflects national policy and guidance, but without the huge contributions of local people, it would not be possible to produce a plan which works for people in Wiltshire. The strategy puts the voice of people with dementia and their families, carers and friends at the forefront of our plans.
This strategy sets out a vision of a dementia-friendly Wiltshire, where:
- we work together to make Wiltshire an inclusive, vibrant, supportive place for people with dementia, and their family members and carers, to live
- our work will be underpinned by prevention and early intervention, tackling inequalities, understanding our communities, and promoting independence
It is an all-age strategy, which means it will meet the needs and wishes of younger people with dementia, as well as older people. Although the number of people under 65 who are living with dementia is relatively small, there are very specific challenges that face people of working age who get a diagnosis, including issues relating to employment, money, parenting and caring responsibilities, wider relationships etc. People with Down's syndrome are more likely to develop dementia, and the age of onset is on average 30 to 40 years younger. This strategy seeks to address these challenges. It also recognises that people of all ages, including children and young people, may be carers for people with dementia.