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Wiltshire Dementia Strategy 2023 to 2028

Priority outcomes

The five areas we will prioritise in this strategy are based on the national Well Pathway for Dementia1.  The actions we have agreed to focus on are drawn from what people with dementia, their carers, and professionals have said is important. 

Each priority has an "I statement" which describes the outcome we are aiming for:

Preventing well

  • I was given information about reducing my risk of getting dementia

Diagnosing well

  • I know where to go if I think I may have dementia
  • I was diagnosed with kindness and compassion, in a timely way
  • I am able to make decisions and know what to do to help myself, and who else can help
  • I know where to go to understand more about dementia

Supporting well

  • I am treated with dignity and respect
  • I get treatment and support which are best for my dementia and my life

Living well

  • I know that those around me and looking after me are supported
  • I feel included as part of society

Dying well

  • I am confident my end of life wishes will be respected
  • I can expect a good death

Appendix 1 sets out these priorities and actions in more detail. See Appendices.

1 Dementia wellbeing pathway ( (opens new window)

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