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Council tax reduction (CTR)

Frequently asked questions

How is Council Tax Reduction calculated?

The amount of reduction you receive depends on your council tax band and will be worked out by comparing your household's actual income with a basic amount (known as the applicable amount) set by the government. Where income is below the applicable amount, the highest amount of Council Tax Reduction will be awarded. As income rises above the applicable amount, so the level of benefit /reduction falls.

Non-dependent deduction

In households where there are working age children or relatives a (non-dependent), a fixed reduction will be made for each non-dependent. To find out the current rate, refer to the full scheme. 

What is the maximum amount of Council Tax Reduction I can receive?

If you are of pension credit age, you may receive help with all or some of your council tax, depending on your income and personal circumstances.

If you are of working age but considered protected, you may receive help with all or some of your council tax, depending on your income and personal circumstances. To be considered protected, you must be receiving one or more of the following income: War Disablement Pension, War Widows Pension, Disability Living Allowance - any rate or component type or Personal Independence Payment - any rate or component type.

If you are of working age and not considered protected, your Council Tax Reduction will be based on 80% of your council tax liability. This means you will still have to pay at least 20% of the council tax charge, even if you are on a low income or receiving benefits.

Is there a limit on the amount of capital I can have?

If you are of working age, (regardless of whether you are protected or not) you will not be eligible to claim Council Tax Reduction should you have savings or capital of £10,000 or more.

If you are of pension credit age, you will not be eligible to claim Council Tax Reduction if you have savings or capital of £16,000 or more.

How do I appeal a council tax decision?

If you disagree with a decision about your Council Tax Reduction claim, you can request more information about the decision or appeal.

What if I don't understand the decision?

When we have dealt with your claim for Council Tax Reduction, we will send you a decision letter. This letter will explain the information we have used to work out your reduction. You should check the letter carefully. If you do not understand the decision and want it explained, please contact us straight away.

What if I'm not happy with the decision?

If you are unhappy with the decision, you must write to us within one month asking for it to be looked at again. This is called a reconsideration. When you write to us, you must tell us:

  • your full name and address.
  • the address that the appeal relates to.
  • the grounds on which you are unhappy with the decision.
  • reasons why you consider that the decision or calculation made by the council was incorrect.

We will look at your claim and advise you in writing of the outcome within one month of receiving your request for reconsideration. If the decision is not changed in your favour, you will have the right to appeal to the Valuation Tribunal for England within two months of the date of the reconsideration.

What if I want to appeal?

If you want to appeal, you must contact the Valuation Tribunal for England (opens new window).

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