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Determined Admission Arrangements for Community and Voluntary Controlled Primary Schools for 2024/25

3. Joint admission arrangements with pre-schools

A small number of schools enter into a formal joint arrangement with a pre-school or nursery to provide education jointly to children before they reach statutory school age.
such an arrangement usually involves each child attending school for some sessions each week, however, attending the pre-school or nursery school does not give priority for admission to the partner school.

The date on which a child can be admitted to a joint arrangement must be no earlier than the start of the term following his or her 4th birthday but can be later than this.

Registration at any nursery or pre-school unit will not be considered as an application for  a school  place. Attending  a nursery /  pre-school  does not  guarantee any child a place  at  a school. Applications  can  only  be  considered  in  line  with  the school's individual over-subscription criteria.

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