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The Parent Portal and Establishment Portal will be unavailable between 5pm Friday 14 February and 9am Saturday 15 February.

Proposed Co-ordinated Scheme for Secondary School Admissions for 2025/26

Designated area (if applicable)

14. A designated area is a discrete geographical zone served by a school. The address that determines a child's designated area is the place where the child is ordinarily resident with their parent(s) or legal guardian(s) for the majority of the school week. Most schools have a discrete designated area but some addresses fall within areas shared by two or more schools. Children who live outside the designated area for the school may still express a preference for the school.

In the case of children from the boating community (Boaters) proof of mooring will be required.  Those without a permanent mooring, must provide details/proof of their sorting office, post office/poste restante address and this will be used for admissions criteria and allocation purposes.

Applicants will only be considered from the address as of the deadline date (for applications into YR7, unless proof of future address is provided) and this will be used to determine the child's priority for a school place. For in year transfer applications the current address at the time of application will be used.

If there is a tie-break situation, then the criteria of the relevant admissions authority will be applied.

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