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Proposed Co-ordinated Scheme for Secondary School Admissions for 2025/26

Applications for children of UK Service Personnel (UK Armed Forces)

16. Applications for children of service personnel with a confirmed posting to the county, will be considered in advance of the family moving into the county. Where possible, an application must be included in the normal admissions round.

17. An official letter, such as a posting note or letter of support from the commanding officer should be sent to the LA as soon as possible. This should include the relocation date and unit postal address or quartering area address.

18. Until a fixed address is available, the unit postal address will be used and a school place allocated accordingly. For service personnel moving back to a property that they own and this is currently rented out, then this address can be considered providing a signed letter from the Commanding Officer or a formal notice to terminate the rental agreement is received stating the future address.

19. The LA will not refuse a child of UK service personnel a school place because the family does not currently live in the area. It is also not permitted to reserve places for these children. If a place is not secured at the preferred school and the applicant has provided proof of a Wiltshire address, then an alternative place will be allocated. This will be at the next nearest school to the unit postal address or quartering address with available places.

20. Children will be considered to be siblings if any brother or sister (including step siblings living at the same address) has been formally offered a place at the school which has been accepted. The sibling link will not apply if the child on roll is in Yr11, YR12 or YR13 for VC & C's schools. Parents should view individual admissions policies for VA, F and A schools for information about sibling priority/YR11, YR12 and YR13 pupils. Their position on any waiting list will be set accordingly.

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