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Proposed Co-ordinated Scheme for Secondary School Admissions for 2025/26

Admitting in area children above Published Admissions Number(PAN)

49. Wiltshire Council  will  always try  and allocate a space at  a child's  designated school whenever this is possible. It must be noted we cannot reserve places at any school nor can we guarantee that a space will be available at the designated school. Having enough spaces in schools for local children is a service priority for the School Buildings and Places team.

50. The LA has the responsibility  for  the  strategic management of school places across the county and  has to ensure admissions do not compromise its ability to provide efficient and effective use of  resources. It is often more economic to admit local children to their designated school because this does not incorporate any additional transport costs which would be required, were an alternative school to be allocated.

51. For some schools, the next nearest school does not provide a reasonable alternative because it is beyond the statutory walking distance or the route to it is unsafe or there may not be available transport.  Any children who move into these areas might have to be admitted to the designated school despite any existing pressures upon it.

52. It may not always be possible to find a space at the designated school if this is already oversubscribed. If a school is oversubscribed, then Looked After Children will be given the  highest priority on any waiting  list. Following this in area children will be given priority on any waiting  list over out of  area children at all VC & C schools. If  the designated area school is unable to accommodate any more children within the year group, then the LA will allocate an alternative school  which  will be the next nearest school which has places available.

53. Transport would be made available for any children who had to be allocated a school because their designated school was full and the school that has been allocated is outside of the statutory safe walking distance for the age of the child.

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