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The Parent Portal and Establishment Portal will be unavailable between 5pm Friday 14 February and 9am Saturday 15 February.

Proposed Co-ordinated Scheme for Secondary School Admissions for 2025/26

Appendix: 1 (2025/26) Timetable for Secondary Co-ordination (Wiltshire)

Timetable for Secondary Co-ordination (Wiltshire)
31 October 2024Closing  date  for  all  Common Application Forms to be received by the School Admissions Team at County Hall. Applications received by this date will be classed as first round applications.
15 November 2024Details  of  applications which include preferences for school in other LAs to be sent to those LAs.
22 November 2024Details of applications to be sent to F, VA schools, Academies of all first round applicants.
16 December 2024Last date for any exceptional applications to be considered.
6 January 2025Final list sent out from LA to all admission authorities, including all applications which have been considered as falling under the exceptional circumstances criteria.
13 January 2025

Academies, Foundation and VA schools to provide the LA with ranked list of all first round applications.

Between 16 January and 1 February, the LA will  match the ranked list of all the schools and allocate places.

3 February 2025The LA will inform other LAs of any offers of places at Wiltshire schools to be made to applicants resident in their areas.
28 February 2025By this date the LA will provide schools with details of those children to be offered places at the school.
3 March 2025Notification letters for first round applicants will be despatched and sent to parents.
7 March 2025Deadline for second round applications
17 March 2025Last  date  for first  round offers to be accepted by parents. Parents  should  confirm  their  acceptance online if they have applied online, or if they have applied by paper return the acceptance/decline slip directly to the Local Authority.
21 March 2025Academies, Foundation and VA schools to provide the LA with ranked list of late applications.
25 April 2025LA to send all schools a list of second round applicants being offered a place.
25 April 2025Notification letters sent out by the LA for all second round applications received  between the deadline 1 November 2024 and 7 March 2025.
09 May 2025Last date for second round offers  to  be  accepted  by  parents. Parents should confirm their acceptance or decline directly to the Local Authority.
16 May 2025Applications received after the 7 March will be considered in date order of receipt and will be looked at from today. Applications will be dealt with as soon as possible with allocations to a single school being made and offers being sent out by the LA as soon as practically possible.


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