Determined Admission Arrangements for Community and Voluntary Controlled Secondary Schools for 2025/26
8. In Year Transfer Applications for year groups other than Secondary Yr7 2025 Intake
Applications received after the 25 July 2025 for the year of entry and any applications received for other year groups are classed as transfer applications.
All applications will be considered together with any applications that have already been refused and the child's name will be placed on the waiting list accordingly.
Applications for transfer for VC and C schools can be submitted eight weeks in advance of the required admissions date.
Applications received requesting more immediate admission are considered in the order that the School Admissions Team receives them. If more than one application for a particular school is received on the same date, places are allocated to children in order of the oversubscription criteria as listed in this policy.
In all cases parent(s)/guardian(s) will be invited to state up to a maximum of three preferences. An offer will be made at the school listed as highest preference possible which has an available place.
If a child is offered a place at any VC or C school, then the place must be accepted or declined within 10 working days of the date of offer.
If a child is offered a place at any VC or C school and the parent(s)/guardian(s) accept the place, it must be taken up within 28 working days of the required admissions date stated on the original application form. Should the place not be taken up within the 28 working days, the LA will then write to the parents informing them that the place has been withdrawn.
Requests for places in year groups other than the one relating to the child's chronological age will only be agreed if supported by the LA's relevant professional adviser(s) and the school.