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Determined Admission Arrangements for Community and Voluntary Controlled Primary Schools for 2025/26

2. Starting school

There is a legal entitlement for all three and four year olds to have access to 15 hours free early education per week - available from registered childminders, school-based childcare, pre-schools, day nurseries, playgroups, or as part of a Children's Centre. Working parents of children aged three and four years of age will be able to access 30 hours for Free Entitlement, certain criteria will need to be met.

A school place will be made available for children from the September following their 4th birthday. Full-time education is available to all reception pupils.

Parents have the right to ask that their child attends part-time and this will be provided by arrangement with the school governors. Part-time provision has been determined as either five mornings or five afternoons a week.

Schools will be responsible for informing parents of the induction arrangements for new entrants to the reception  class(es). These  may  involve  a  short  period  of  part-time provision or a phased entry at the beginning of Term 1, which will normally be a fortnight. Individual  children(s) cases for induction should  be discussed by the parent(s) with the school directly.

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