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Determined Admission Arrangements for Community and Voluntary Controlled Primary Schools for 2025/26

11. Appeals Procedure - In-Year Transfer Applications

Parents have a right of appeal to an independent panel against any decision made by or  on  behalf  of  the Admissions Authority as to the school which education is to be provided for their child.

All appeals will be heard in accordance with the timescales which have been determined and are explained in the School Admissions Appeals Code.

Information about the appeal procedure will be provided where a place at one or more of the preferred schools has been refused. Parents should visit or contact the Customer Services Team  (01225  713010) to obtain an appeals form which  should  be returned to the Democratic and Members Service team (D&M) at County Hall, Trowbridge. The clerk to the appeals panel will be provided by the D&M Service team.

Parents who have appealed unsuccessfully can reapply for a place at the same school in a later academic year and have a right of appeal if unsuccessful.

Where there have been material changes in circumstances in the same academic year and a repeat application is considered and again refused, the parents will have the right to a fresh appeal.

Please note appeals are only heard in term time.


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