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Inclusion and diversity employment monitoring report 2024

Equality objectives

As part of the public-sector equality duty the council is required to identify equality objectives. The current Equality Objectives 2023-2026 are:

  1. Deliver on the vision of the Inclusive Workforce Strategy
  2. Achieve an excellent standard of understanding and working with our communities, measured against the Equality Framework for local government.

Further details of the council's equality objectives can be found on the council website under Public sector equality duty.

Inclusive workforce strategy 2021 - 2025

Our vision for the council is to be "an inclusive organisation that reflects the diverse backgrounds of the communities we serve, where everyone is valued as an individual and where fairness and respect run through everything we do". The council's Inclusive workforce strategy and action plan were informed by reviewing data and insight on our workforce and from staff surveys, as well as reviewing our policies and practices against the Local Government Equality Framework.

Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) steering group

To support the delivery of the Inclusive workforce strategy, we relaunched our EDI steering group, chaired by the Council's Inclusion Champion (member of our Extended Leadership Team and a Director), to provide strategic oversight for programmes of work relating to EDI. The steering group is made up of an EDI representative from each directorate at Head of Service level and the staff network leads.

The purpose of the council's Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Steering Group is to provide strategic oversight and assurance for Wiltshire Council's programmes of work relating to Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion. It is an opportunity to share authentic employee voice, implement the inclusion strategy, improve outcomes, raise awareness, and identify areas for development.

In 2023, all services were asked to create two inclusion targets to achieve in 2024 for their service areas that support the Inclusion strategy. These will be closely monitored and reviewed with support from the SDI Steering Group and the HR&OD Inclusion working group.

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