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Inclusion and diversity employment monitoring report 2024


How we collect equality information

The monitoring information set out in this report has been collected from the council's management information system (SAP), our recruitment system (TalentLink), and the completion of an equality monitoring questionnaire which is sent out to staff annually. The council also collects additional information through the employee experience survey.

The equalities monitoring questionnaire was supported with clear information about why we were collecting the information and how it would be used. Staff are encouraged to complete as much of the questionnaire as possible but could opt to state 'prefer not to say' if they did not feel comfortable sharing their information.

The council has implemented the first phase of its new Oracle enterprise resource planning (ERP) system in November 2023 with elements of Finance, Procurement and HR functions into live operation. The second phase which includes Payroll and full Nudge Management is set to go live in April 2024. The new ERP will help us use and analyse diversity and inclusion data more effectively and we will be reviewing our data collecting methods as part of our work to improve our workforce data analytics capability.

This data will be used, alongside the Wiltshire Census data to identify and reduce barriers to inclusion, identify key area of development and inform decision-making.

What data we collect

We collect data on all the protected characteristics in addition to caring responsibilities at different stages of the employee lifecycle. This enables the council to analyse and assess the impact of policies, procedures, practices and decisions on specific groups and to identify where action is required to remedy any disadvantage and ensure equality of opportunity for all.

Data gaps

The unstated figures across most areas have decreased this year although they remain high for some protected characteristics. We will continue to seek to address this gap in data and reduce the unstated figures by building confidence amongst staff in sharing this information.

Census 2021

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) undertook a new national census in 2021 and workforce data on this report has been compared against the census data for the whole of the Wiltshire population as opposed to the age-specific data sets (i.e., working age population) which are not yet available. Further analysis will be undertaken in the future once age-specific data sets are released by the ONS.

We aspire for our workforce demographics to mirror that of the Wiltshire population as identified in the Census 2021, to ensure that we remain an inclusive organisation reflecting the diverse background of the communities we serve.

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