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Inclusion and diversity employment monitoring report 2024

Workforce data and findings: Disability

Headcount by Disability

The figures from the census 2021 indicate that 17% of the population in Wiltshire have their day-to-day activities limited a little or a lot because of a health condition or disability.

10.5% of the workforce has declared a disability compared to 10.4% in last year's report.

81.% of staff have disclosed whether they consider themselves to have a disability or not.

Mental Health conditions made up the highest proportion of type of disability(19.6%), followed by physical/mobility impairments (15.9%).  

Disability% of total Council headcount
Not disabled70.4%

Recruitment by Disability

Total recruitment

The proportion of appointees with a disability has increased, even though the proportion of applicants has decreased.

Total recruitment
Disability% of total applied% of total shortlisted% of total appointed
Not disabled67.1%68.8%32.1%

Internal recruitment

A lower proportion of people appointed internally were disabled compared to the proportion of total applicants who were disabled.

Internal recruitment
Disability% of total applied% of total shortlisted% of total appointed
Not disabled80.0%78.3%76.7%

Remuneration, Pay Gap, and Pay Quartiles by Disability

Staff with a disability are proportionally less represented in the highest (N/O/Hay) and lowest (B/C) grades.  3.7% of disabled staff are in grades B/C compared to 3.2% last year and 2.7% the year before. For grades, N/O/Hay % is 5.5% compared with 5.4% last year and 6.5% the previous year.

The mean disability pay gap has increased from 3.9% in 2022 to 4.8% in 2023. The median pay gap has decreased from 7.5% in 2022 to 3.0% in 2023. The proportion of disabled staff in the upper quartile has decreased from 10.4% in 2022 to 9.2% in 2023.  The upper middle quartile went up from 11.5% to 12.6%.

Pay grade
Grades groupedDisabledNot disabledAll staff
Pay gap
Hourly rate of payDisabledNot disabled
Mean average hourly rate£16.60£17.44
Median average hourly rate£15.62£16.11
Mean pay gap£4.8%
Median pay gap3.0%
Pay quartiles
Pay quartilesDisabledNot disabled
Upper quartile9.4%90.8%
Upper middle quartile12.6%87.4%
Lower middle quartile11.9%88.1%
Lower quartile12.2%87.8%

Attendance to the Wiltshire Leadership Programme by Disability

Participation in the Wiltshire leadership training by disabled employees was in line with the proportion of disabled employees in the workforce.

Attendance to the Wiltshire Leadership Programme by Disability
Disability% of total Leadership Programme attendance
Not disabled86.4%

Disciplinary and Grievance cases by Disability

Disabled employees accounted for 30% of grievances and 23.3% of disciplinaries, compared to 10% and 14.3% in 2022. The number of cases is low and this variation in a single year is not unusual, however this will be looked at in more detail.

Disciplinary and Grievance cases by Disability
Case typeDisabledNot disabledUnstated

Turnover rates by Disability

The turnover rate for staff with a disability is 10.5% which is lower than the figure for all staff (12.2%). The main reasons for leaving for disabled employees was resignation followed by retirement.

Turnover rates by Disability
DisabilityTurnover rate
Not disabled10.2%
Whole council12.2%


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