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Inclusion and diversity employment monitoring report 2024

Workforce data and findings: Sex

Headcount by Sex

The percentage of females is 73.7% and males 26.3% and these remain similar to the figures in last year's report which were female 74.2% and male 25.8%. Staff were invited to self-describe their gender identity if they wished to. However, as the number of staff using this category was small, the figures only reflect sex (female/male) to maintain the confidentiality of staff.

More male staff are working part-time than previously. 50.1% of women and 28.7% of men work part-time. Last year, these figures were 50.6% and 25.2% respectively.

Headcount by sex
Sex% of total Council headcount 

Recruitment by Sex

Total recruitment

A larger proportion of applications and appointments in 2022-23 were male.

27.7% of applications received were from male applicants, with 47.7% from female applicants and 24.6% did not state. These were 24.6%, 57.8% and 17.6% last year.

19.0% of posts were filled by male applicants, with 51.1% filled by female applicants and 29.9% unstated. These were 16.8%, 59.7% and 23.4% last year.

The proportion of applicants and appointees not providing this data has increased.

Total recruitment
Sex% of total applied% of total shortlisted% of total appointed

Internal recruitment

Internal applications and appointments were in line with the makeup of the workforce.

Internal recruitment
Sex% of total applied% of total shortlisted% of total appointed


Pay grade

Female staff are represented at all levels of the grading structure although they are slightly over represented in the lowest pay grades (B/C) and underrepresented in the top pay grades (L-Hay).

Pay grade
Grades groupedFemaleMaleAll staff

Gender Pay Gap

The council is required to report details of its gender pay gap. For further details please refer to our Gender pay gap report. The council's gender pay gap remains lower than the national gender pay gap and gender pay gap for the public sector.

Attendance to the Wiltshire Leadership Programme by Sex

Participation in the Wiltshire leadership programme was 75.% female and 25% for male staff which was in line with the overall workforce figures.

Attendance to the Wiltshire Leadership Programme by Sex
Sex% of total Leadership Programme attendance

Disciplinary and Grievance cases by Sex

Men represented nearly half of all the disciplinaries, i.e. proportionately higher than the workforce figures. Grievances were in line with the workforce figures.

Disciplinary and Grievance cases by Sex
Case typeFemaleMale

Turnover rates by Sex

The turnover rate for male staff is marginally higher in 2022-23 than the whole council turnover rate (12.2%). Last year, the rates were male 15.0%, female 15.2%, all turnover 15.1%.

Resignations for other employment were higher for men (58%) than for women (48%). Conversely, resignations for 'Family Commitments/ Domestic/ Personal' reasons were higher for women (15% versus 5% for men) Whilst unsatisfactory probation only accounts for a small proportion of all leavers, there was also a significantly higher % of new male staff leaving for this reason (6% versus 1% for women).

Turnover rates by Sex
SexTurnover rate
Whole council12.2%

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