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Inclusion and diversity employment monitoring report 2024

Workforce data and findings: Age

Headcount by age

The largest group within the workforce is in the age range 45 - 54, 25.8%

Under 25's make up 7.0% of the workforce (a decrease from 7.2% in 2022) but slightly lower than the Census 2021 data for this group (10.1%).

Over 65s increased from 4.7% to 5.3% of the workforce.

The other age bands have not changed significantly.

Headcount by age
Age band% of total council headcount
Under 257.0%
25 - 3416.47%
35 - 4422.6%
45 - 5425.8%
55 - 6422.47%

Recruitment by age

Total recruitment

Applications from under 25s have fallen from 15.1% in 2020-21 to 10.6% in 2022-23. This is complicated by an increase in applicants not stating their age (from 14.0% to 24.6%) but is a decrease regardless.

Similarly, Under 25 appointments have fallen from 10.5% in 2020-21 to 6.5% in 2022-23, which although also complicated by the increase in the unstated %, represents a decrease.

There has been an increase this year in applications from Over 65s and appointments for those aged over 55.

Total recruitment
Age band% of total applied% of total shortlisted% of total appointed
Under 2510.6%7.6%6.5%
25 - 3424.8%19.5%17.5%
35 - 4418.5%19.6%17.7%
45 - 5413.5%18.4%16.5%
55 - 647.3%1.1%9.9%

Internal recruitment

Internally, under 25 appointments have fallen from 9.0% in 2020-21 to 6.5% in 2022-23. Again, this is complicated by an increase in the unstated % (though less so) but is a decrease. The proportion of applications from Under 25s has not fallen.

Internal recruitment
Age band% of total applied% of total shortlisted% of total appointed
Under 257.8%5.6%6.5%
25 - 3426.2%24.5%22.6%
35 - 4423.2%23.3%23.7%
45 - 5425.1%26.4%22.8%
55 - 649.2%9.8%9.9%

Remuneration by age

The much larger representation of under 25s concentrated in the D/E grades is expected given that this age group is more likely to be in entry level roles or at the early stages in their careers. However, this proportion has risen from 41.4% in 2021 to 50.9% in 2023. The F/G band also now has a greater share of Under 25s (from 15.7% to 21.0%). Conversely, Under 25s have fallen in H/I (21.0% to 15.9%) and J/K grades (13.8% to 7.5%). This suggests a possible reduction in promotion opportunities but needs further examination (see also Recruitment).

Staff representation has risen for staff aged 55-65 in the N/O/Hay grades (from 2.9% last year to 3.8%).

Pay grade
Grades groupedUnder 2525 - 3435 - 4445 - 5455 - 6464+All staff

Attendance to the Wiltshire Leadership Programme by age

Participation in the Wiltshire leadership training is highest in the 35 - 44 age range. Participation has increased for those aged 25-34, from 9.5% to 20.5%.

There was no participation from the 65+ age group or under 25 age groups which might be explained by the fact that this age group is more likely to be in entry level roles or be at the early stages in their careers.

Attendance to the Wiltshire Leadership Programme by age
Age% of total Leadership Programme attendance
Under 250.0%
25 - 3420.5%
35 - 4445.5%
45 - 5422.7%
55 - 6411.4%

Disciplinary and Grievance cases by age

Disciplinary and grievance cases occurred amongst all age groups.

Disciplinary cases were broadly in line with the workforce figures.

Grievance cases tend to vary more as there are fewer of them. These were proportionally higher for the 25-34 and 45-54 age groups when compared with the total workforce figures.

Disciplinary and Grievance cases by age
Case typeUnder 2525 - 3435 - 4445 - 5455 - 6465+

Turnover rates by age

The whole council turnover rate (12.2%) has decreased from last year (15.1%). All age bands have seen a reduction in turnover, but this is slightly less pronounced in the 25-34 group (from 15.5% to 14.5%).

The turnover rate remains highest for staff over 65 (now 22.0%, down from 28.6%) and staff under 25 (now 21.4% down from 25.5%).

Turnover rates by age
AgeTurnover rate
Under 2521.4%
25 - 3414.5%
35 - 4411.1%
45 - 548.3%
55 - 6411.1%
Whole council12.2%

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